Yes, auth-constraint/role-name in web.xml.
I've tried creating Roles (same name as the app) at Realm level , as well
at 'client' level - no change, same error.
Any more clues - appreciate it.
For your application, does the security constraint require a role?
guess is that the token does not have the role required by the security
constraint in your application.
On 10/5/16 7:48 AM, java(a) wrote:
> This is happening in
> code snippet:
> ===
> try {
> // For COOKIE store we don't have httpSessionId and single
> sign-out won't be available
> String httpSessionId = deployment.getTokenStore() ==
> TokenStore.SESSION ?
> reqAuthenticator.changeHttpSessionId(true) : null;
> tokenResponse =
> ServerRequest.invokeAccessCodeToToken(deployment, code,
> strippedOauthParametersRequestUri, httpSessionId);
> } catch (ServerRequest.HttpFailure failure) {
> log.error("failed to turn code into token");
> log.error("status from server: " + failure.getStatus());
> if (failure.getStatus() == 400 && failure.getError() !=
> null) {
> log.error(" " + failure.getError());
> }
> return challenge(403,
> OIDCAuthenticationError.Reason.CODE_TO_TOKEN_FAILURE, null);
> ===
>> Further more:
>> I am seeing in keycloak logs:
>> 07:28:21,115 ERROR [org.keycloak.adapters.OAuthRequestAuthenticator]
>> (default task-2) failed to turn code into token
>> 07:28:21,117 ERROR [org.keycloak.adapters.OAuthRequestAuthenticator]
>> (default task-2) status from server: 403
>> This is happening after the handshake done with Idp and returned back
>> to
>> keycloak oidc.
>> anyone has any tips.
>> Appreciate it.
>>> Hi
>>> I'm implementing a solution as shown saml-broker-authentication,
>>> trying
>>> to
>>> protect a war (spring-rest).
>>> All configured fine, Keycloak-saml-idp returns fine, am getting a OIDC
>>> tocken back from Keycloak , but when it returns back to the URL I was
>>> initially hit, I get forbidden.
>>> Anyone gone through this pain - any tips? Thank you.
>>> John
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