Hi all,
After successfully using Keycloak for a while now a small group of engineers would like to
see if there is space for Authentication-as-a-Service powered by Keycloak. Our aim is to
securely manage a Keycloak cluster where organisations can provision realms and be billed
based on the number of active users per month. There are some limitations (we do not allow
addition of SPI’s for security reasons) however we hope for most use cases this should be
good enough.
We have our initial project and are slowly adding beta users to play with our interface
and provide us with feedback as we develop.
**Production use is not recommended** but we will offer free unlimited usage during the
Beta period and when moving to the production cluster provide the option to migrate
users/realms as required.
If anybody on this mailing list is interested please get in touch or sign up to be a Beta
tester at our website below - we are happy to hear all feedback and answer questions
moving forward.
Many thanks,
Team Tromsso