I did a PoC where I first loaded a template from a generic keycloak.json.
Then before actually building the KeycloakDeployment I applied tenant
specific changes. Mainly I set tenant specific values for identifiers such
as the realm name, keys and secrets. I used the set methods as you
presumed. Finally I created a separate KeycloakDeployment for each tenant.
This was all part of the KeycloakConfigResolver implementation.
Best regards,
On May 25, 2016 23:25, "John D. Ament" <john.d.ament(a)gmail.com> wrote:
So far, Keycloak seems awesome. Kudos to you guys for getting something
working so well.
I'm curious about using Keycloak for multienancy. It seems like in theory
what I'm looking for should work, but wanted to confirm. I have a
multitenant app. The app will dynamically create tenants at runtime, so
not configuration pre-deployment. If I'm reading correctly, I just need to
build a dynamic KeycloakDeployment at runtime. Is it possible to configure
this not off of JSON files? Do I just have to call the setter on the
various KeycloakDeployment methods?
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