Hi Community,
Also does this depend on the database rights ? As I only have read rights
to the db. But getAttributes should just add whatever we provide as
attribute into the token ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Sandeep Rai <raisandeepkmr(a)gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2018, 02:46
Subject: User Attributes not added in token
To: <keycloak-user(a)lists.jboss.org>
Hi Community,
I'm new to keycloak. And trying to federate login via external database.
While federating username and password validation trough JPA I'm trying to
add user attribute to the token.
To achieve that all I'm doing is adding the attribute in getAtrributes
method. As I'm expecting it then adds to the token. But after successful
validation the token I get does not have the 'phone' attribute
Is there something I'm missing ?
Do I have to add this attribute any other way ?
public Map<String, List<String>> getAttributes() {
Map<String, List<String>> attrs = super.getAttributes();
MultivaluedHashMap<String, String> all = new MultivaluedHashMap<>();
all.add("phone", userEntity.getMOBILE_NO());
return all;
Kind Regards
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