it won't work on localhost as the
openid.net server needs to be able to
connect to your Keycloak server over the network, which is not possible
with using localhost.
You need to be able to bind Keycloak on real host and have a possibility
to access it over the network.
When I was working on Keycloak certification, I was mainly using the
Keycloak deployed on openshift cartridge. See the instructions here:
. But Keycloak OpenShift cartridge is not supported anymore from latest
versions, so you would need something different if you want to try
latest version.
BTV: Keycloak is OpenID Connect certified with all 5 profiles:
On 23/02/18 00:02, Carrasco, Jonathan J (173F) wrote:
I’m reaching out to ask about the Conformance Testing Suite, available at
http://openid.net/certification/testing/. At this time, we are evaluating Keycloak and
some of the available OpenID Connect Libraries and Products, and would like to perform
certification testing locally.
So, the question is… do you have a breakdown of Keycloak configuration to allow for
Conformance Testing in a local dev environment, i.e. localhost. I have tried to test and
keep getting a connection refused error when I try the Dynamic Discovery and Registration
To give some insight…
I am using the oidctest repo locally
I have keycloak running, no problem
I’ve set realm to not require ssl
I deleted all anonymous client registration policies
But when I run the test, using the issuer
ashttp://localhost:8080/auth/realms/master orhttps://localhost:8443/auth/realms/master, I
Discovery:OP-Response-Missing: status=ERROR,
message=HTTPSConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8443): Max retries exceeded
with url: /auth/realms/master/.well-known/openid-configuration (Caused by
NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection
I also tried setting up a reverse proxy to handle ssl traffic, to no avail.
I don’t have a problem, working with keycloak since I can curl most of the commands or
use python requests, etc…And, really the point of this is to test(out-of-the-box) without
having to alter any source code from Github. Hence, I’m reaching out to the source and I
want to ask if you have a setup to allow keycloak to be tested on a local machine.
Jonathan Carrasco (173F)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory – California Institute of Technology
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