Right now you can federate user storage from one or more sources
(including keycloak storage). But, it has zero sophistication for
ordering other than whichever one is listed first. And there is no SPI
to plug into to do this. We hope to get back to feature development
soon, but we're currently busy polishing up our current codebase.
On 4/8/2016 11:47 AM, Jason Axley wrote:
Assume these are the users in each realm:
realm1 : [ “jaxley”, “nancy” ]
realm2 : [ “LDAP:foouser@example.org”, “SAML:baruser@example.org" ]
If realm1 configuration == "Authenticate against realm2 with fallback
to local realm (realm1)”
AND A User tries to log in, then authenticate the user against realm2
first (internally); if the user is not found or fails, try against the
local realm realm1. If that succeeds, that is the user and they are
now authenticated.
Thus, if foouser(a)example.org tried to log into realm1, they would be
tried in realm2 first (their home realm).
But if “jaxley” tried to log into realm1, an attempt would be made
against realm2 and fail (no “jaxley” there), then an attempt against
realm1 would be made. If that succeeds, that is the user and they are
now authenticated.
What I want to be able to do is to maintain a set of users inside a
Keycloak realm, but I want to still be able to create multiple
additional realms to represent different configurations (e.g.
Internal-facing vs. external-facing). The challenge is how when
applications use those additional realms to authenticate can we
seamlessly allow authentication in our preferred order of searching.
I’d hate to have the official answer to be to use the APIs to write a
login UI ourselves…
This kind of “preferred order of authentication sources” capability as
a declarative configuration option is a feature of many commercial IdM
and authentication tools. The conflict between users with the same
login ID across realms is either resolved by fully qualifying the user
IDs or using the search order to make some sources weighted higher in
the search path so those win.
From: Stian Thorgersen <sthorger(a)redhat.com <mailto:sthorger@redhat.com>>
Reply-To: "stian(a)redhat.com <mailto:stian@redhat.com>"
<stian(a)redhat.com <mailto:stian@redhat.com>>
Date: Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 10:05 PM
To: Jason Axley <jaxley(a)expedia.com <mailto:jaxley@expedia.com>>
Cc: Marek Posolda <mposolda(a)redhat.com <mailto:mposolda@redhat.com>>,
Sarp Kaya <akaya(a)expedia.com <mailto:akaya@expedia.com>>,
"keycloak-user(a)lists.jboss.org <mailto:keycloak-user@lists.jboss.org>"
<keycloak-user(a)lists.jboss.org <mailto:keycloak-user@lists.jboss.org>>
Subject: Re: [keycloak-user] SSO amongst two realms
Can you elaborate on how you imagine "fallback to the local realm"
would work?
On 7 April 2016 at 21:59, Jason Axley <jaxley(a)expedia.com
<mailto:jaxley@expedia.com>> wrote:
Could you possibly support “Authenticate by default” with a
“fallback to the local realm”? It would be nice to have certain
users attached to a particular realm realm1 but have Keycloak
internally attempt to authenticate first against another realm so
you can get the effect of a union of the users across the two
realms. The user experience with the federation buttons as an
alternative makes this configuration complexity exposed to the
user and I’d prefer to not have to do that.
From: <keycloak-user-bounces(a)lists.jboss.org
<mailto:keycloak-user-bounces@lists.jboss.org>> on behalf of Marek
Posolda <mposolda(a)redhat.com <mailto:mposolda@redhat.com>>
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at 11:25 PM
To: Sarp Kaya <akaya(a)expedia.com <mailto:akaya@expedia.com>>,
<keycloak-user(a)lists.jboss.org <mailto:keycloak-user@lists.jboss.org>>
Subject: Re: [keycloak-user] SSO amongst two realms
It's possible to achieve something like this with identity
provider. You can create identityProvider in realm2, which will
authenticate against realm1. In that case, there will be button in
login screen of realm2 like "Login with realm1" and when user
clicks on this, he will be logged-in automatically. There is also
possibility to use switch "Authenticate by default" in identity
provider and then login screen of realm2 won't be shown, but
instead it will always automatically redirect to realm1 login screen.
The thing is, that you will end with duplicated user accounts
(Account of user "john" will be in both realm1 and realm2). AFAIK
we plan to improve this in the future to have this use-case more
"friendly" as more people ask about that.
On 25/02/16 01:39, Sarp Kaya wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to know whether it is possible to have SSO amongst two
> realms. Ie User 1 logins to an app1 that auths against realm1,
> then user 1 tries to use app2 which auths against realm2 which
> should work fine as user 1 logged into realm1 before and it
> should SSO into app2 fine.
> If this is possible then what would be the setup like?
> Kind Regards,
> Sarp
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