I have an application where I want its users to be able to keep logged
in during long time (about one year before the session ends). I'm using
Spring Boot + Spring security and the keycloak Spring security adapter
(2.5.4 final). The keycloak server is 2.2.1. What I've done:
Set up the realm to permit long lived sessions:
Session Idle: 365 days
Session max: 365 days
Offline session idle: 30 days
Access token lifespan: 1 Minute
Lifespan for implicit flow: 365 days
Then, in my application (single server and single keycloak client,
confidential access type) I set up this environment variable:
server.session-timeout: 525600
Then in my front-end I've got AngularJs integrated, works as a Single
page application and performs some routing without refreshing the whole
My problem:
When I leave the application idle (for around 30 minutes), after
performing some request to any rest endpoint, I get 401 code. The
application works again when I press F5 and refresh the page. The
problem is only related when I access the REST endpoints while I don't
request the whole page again.
Am I missing something?
Aritz Maeztu Otaño
Departamento Desarrollo de Software
Pol. Ind. Mocholi. C/Rio Elorz, Nave 13E 31110 Noain (Navarra)
Telf. Aritz Maeztu: 948 68 03 06
Telf. Secretaría: 948 21 40 40
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