It worked .. It Worked...!!!! awesome..
Thanks a lot Marek and Stian for your patience and time.
Really appreciate your help in fixing this issue.
Thanks and regards,
On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 3:23 PM, Marek Posolda <mposolda(a)> wrote:
Ah, it's maybe login iframe which is causing issues for you.
Given the
nature of your app and the fact that you're not using SSO anyway in
embedded IE, I suggest to disable login iframe by add this option to your
"kcInitObj" too:
checkLoginIframe: false
Besides that, it seems that we have a minor bug in keycloak.js that
callbacks are not called when you provide "tokens", but not "onLoad"
IFrame is not working. Created JIRA :
On 07/04/16 11:22, Subhrajyoti Moitra wrote:
Hello Marek,
I actually hadnt shown the starting script tag in the code snippet above.
I checked using a debugger that the kcInitObj values are going into the
init method correctly.
Do I have to call some other function after init call?
Somehow, when I skip the onLoad option, success/error methods are never
I notice that call to this url is being made and nothing after that,
Does version of KC matter, I am using 1.5.1.Final?
I am attaching the index.jsp for reference, since this is the file I am
experimenting with.
This is just an example to check if things are working or not.
Thanks a lot for taking time to look into this. Really appreciate it.
On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 1:36 PM, Marek Posolda <mposolda(a)> wrote:
> I think that you don't need to use "onLoad" option at all because you
> passed tokens. So you can just use something like:
> var kcInitObj={
> token:'<%=token%>',
> refreshToken:'<%=refreshToken%>',
> idToken:'<%=idToken%>'};
> Besides that, I can see that you added tag "<script>" after the
> is initialized. Unless I am missing something (previous snippet of your
> page etc), you will need to first add tag "<script>" and then
> kcInitObj inside that as it's javascript object.
> If you have some javascript debugger (for example Firebug on FF) you can
> add breakpoint before keycloak.init call and check that "kcInitOptions"
> look as expected and really contain the 3 tokens you passed above.
> Marek
> On 07/04/16 08:19, Subhrajyoti Moitra wrote:
> Hello Stian and Marek,
> Thanks for the clarification.
> I am not sure what u mean by "invoke that yourself and initialize
> keycloak.js with the tokens afterwards". U mean in the new KeyCloak(...)
> constructor I pass the tokens and other values?
> " authenticate with both LDAP and Keycloak in the first place...."
> - The desktop windows application is a old legacy application(custom
> dialer) used to connect to Aspect Telephony server. This Aspect server
> requires the AD login so that agents using this dialer is connected to
> Aspect. So I dont know how I can avoid this.
> - There is no way to pass the username/pass from the embedded KC page to
> the "parent" windows application. Not sure if some workaround is possible
> in the local application or not.
> Please help.
> Thanks,
> Subhro.
> On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 11:18 AM, Stian Thorgersen < <sthorger(a)>
> sthorger(a)> wrote:
>> keycloak.js doesn't support direct grant and we won't add it. You'd
>> to invoke that yourself and initialize keycloak.js with the tokens
>> afterwards.
>> Why do you need to authenticate with both LDAP and Keycloak in the first
>> place? In either case I'd say a better way would be to use what Marek
>> suggests as option 2. User can enter username/password in embedded Keycloak
>> login page instead of popup box. Using the embedded login page has a number
>> of benefits over direct grant. For example required actions, recover
>> password support, etc, etc..
>> On 7 April 2016 at 07:07, Subhrajyoti Moitra < <subhrajyotim(a)>
>> subhrajyotim(a)> wrote:
>>> Hello Marek,
>>> What is the value of onLoad during keycloak init() function?
>>> I tried both check-sso and login-required, but it still is showing the
>>> kc login page.
>>> Heres what I did.
>>> Using java code I get a direct access grant tokens. I get response from
>>> this code as something below.
>>> Then I am hitting the jsp page.
>>> <
>>> <theabovejsonstring-cut-and-pasted>
>>> In index.jsp I extract the tokenJson param and parse the json to
>>> further extract the accessToken, idToken and refreshToken.
>>> A code snippet in index.jsp, like the below generates the keycloak init
>>> obj.
>>> <%String iaJsonStr =request.getParameter("tokenJson");//get the
token json from urlString
token="",idToken="",refreshToken="";//init the
valuesif(!StringUtils.isEmpty(iaJsonStr)){ JsonObject iaJsonObj = Json.createReader(new
token=iaJsonObj.getString("access_token");//extract access
refreshToken=iaJsonObj.getString("refresh_token");//extract refresh
idToken=iaJsonObj.getString("id_token");//extract id}
>>> if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(token) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(refreshToken)
&& !StringUtils.isEmpty(idToken)){%>var kcInitObj={
>>> onLoad:'check-sso',
>>> token:'<%=token%>',
>>> refreshToken:'<%=refreshToken%>',
>>> idToken:'<%=idToken%>'};<%}else{%>var kcInitObj={
>>> onLoad:'check-sso'};<%}%>
>>> .......
>>> .....
>>> <script>
>>> var keycloak = Keycloak('/myapp/keycloak-dev.json');
>>> keycloak.init(kcInitObj).success(function(authenticated) {
>>> if(!authenticated){
>>> keycloak.login();
>>> }else{
>>> //call loadProfile and get the user details.
>>> ).error(....)
>>> </script>
>>> This is still redirecting me to the login page. Do I have to do
>>> something in the client setup?
>>> So close,, yet so far... Please help..
>>> Thanks and lot for your attention.
>>> Subhro.
>>> On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 8:35 AM, Subhrajyoti Moitra <
>>> <>subhrajyotim(a)> wrote:
>>>> Thanks a million Marek for setting us in the right direction.
>>>> "...application is able to access the javascript state from
>>>> IE"- this is not possible currently, hence 1st solution wont work.
>>>> We will follow the 2nd way to do this.
>>>> So using "direct access grant
>>>> i get the required JSON token data as mentioned.
>>>> Then I pass this data to the jsp page (embedded in IE), using URL
>>>> params.
>>>> The JSP page pulls out the required data from the URL params, and then
>>>> inits keycloak.js.
>>>> in keycloak init function i pass the token, idToken and refreshToken
>>>> values.
>>>> Hopefully this works, trying it now!
>>>> Thanks a lot again for the pointers.
>>>> Subhro.
>>>> On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 2:33 AM, Marek Posolda <
>>>> mposolda(a)> wrote:
>>>>> Do you have the "control" under the application? Is it
possible to
>>>>> propagate security contexts from application to embedded IE or
>>>>> In theory what can work is either:
>>>>> - You will skip step1 and don't popup username/password box.
>>>>> you will just authenticate in step2 inside IE and then propagate the
>>>>> context ( token ) to step1. This is possible just if application is
able to
>>>>> access the javascript state from embedded IE.
>>>>> - If you can propagate just from desktop to IE, then in step1 you
>>>>> wwill configure your application to send the request for
>>>>> authentication to Keycloak via direct access grant (instead of
>>>>> username+password directly to AD/LDAP). Once you receive token from
>>>>> access grant, you can use it inside IE in step2 ( keycloak.js has
>>>>> possibility to be initialized with token. You just need to pass the
>>>>> and refreshToken as arguments to keycloak.init . Then keycloak.js
>>>>> redirect you to login screen )
>>>>> Marek
>>>>> On 06/04/16 11:24, Subhrajyoti Moitra wrote:
>>>>> Hello Team,
>>>>> I have a standalone windows desktop application, that authenticates
>>>>> against an AD/LDAP server. The application popups a username/password
>>>>> and submits it to the LDAP for authentication.
>>>>> The same AD/LDAP server is also synced with a Keycloak installation.
>>>>> The windows application embeds the IE browser control and shows a
>>>>> page.
>>>>> This jsp page is protected using keycloak js adapter. Obviously the
>>>>> user is re-directed to the keycloak login page. So the user has to
>>>>> twice, once using the application popup and other in the embedded
>>>>> after getting redirected to the keycloak login page.
>>>>> I dont want to re-prompt the user for relogin, since he has already
>>>>> authenticated against the AD server.
>>>>> Is there a way to not re-prompt the user, when the embedded IE
>>>>> requests the secure JSP?
>>>>> Please help, as we are not able to come up with a solution for the
>>>>> same.
>>>>> Any pointers how we can avoid the 2nd authentication.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Subhro.
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