Hello all,
I have a use case scenario with indulges fine grain permission settings
for an admin of a particular realm that should create a client and create a user with
restrictions like he must not play with the client ‘realm-management’ and that he must not
map realm-admin to himself. The problem is I can achieve to restict the realm admin to
manage one client or restrict him to map only said roles but then he cannot create client
or create user himself because he requires more coarse role like ‘manage-users’ or
‘manage-clients’. And once I give the realm admin these two roles then he could do
everything in the realm and this is the problem.
So in short,
1. I want to have a realm-admin that can create users and clients in his dedicated
2. Also I want to make sure that he doesn’t have access to play around with
realm-management client and that he doesn’t have access to map roles to himself or other
users with something like ‘manage-user, manage-realm, manage, manage-clients’
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Hasebullah A Ansari
Master of Engineering in IT, Heidelberg
IT Specialist / Java Entwickler
Syntlogo GmbH
Mercedesstraße 1
D-71063 Sindelfingen
Email: hasebullah.ansari@syntlogo.de<mailto:hasebullah.ansari@syntlogo.de>
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