I realized after reading through past conversations that what i need is
a protocol mapper but now i am struggling to get one working. Here's
what i am doing right now:
1) created a class that implements the ProtocolMapper interface
2) created a jar with that class and package (i'm not sure what the
META-INF/services folder should contain, any pointers for tha?)
3) put the jar in the providers folder (as the readme in the folder says)
Is there a jar that i can use for inspiration or as a base? Any help or
pointers would be apprecited.
On 1/25/17 23:49, Avinash Kundaliya wrote:
Hello, I have been thinking If it's possible to create a custom
that could call an API and add some parameters (or sub parameters) to
the JWT Token that is generated? If yes, are there any examples how to
do so and what data is available to the mapper? ( the user? Requested
scope? ...) Regards, Avinash