Hi everyone,
I am using the kcadm.bat to create clients. Everything works well until the part with the
"protocolMappers". Is there a command in kcadm.bat which can assign and activate
the "protocolMappers" ("Mappers" in the client tab of the U.I.) for my
specific client?
I couldn't find any reference to this point online. Theoretically there should be a
variable in the protocolMapper, like isActive=true, that tells the client to send the
following mappers in the response, but currently there is none.
This is what a current protocolMapper contains (this is active in the U.I. by the
way):"protocolMappers" : [ { "id" :
"e41c6882-da3f-4f95-b5e4-9c584615fb1e", "name" : "X500
givenName", "protocol" : "saml", "protocolMapper"
: "saml-user-property-mapper", "consentRequired" : true,
"consentText" : "${givenName}", "config" : {
"attribute.nameformat" :
"user.attribute" : "firstName", "friendly.name" :
"givenName", "attribute.name" :
"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/givenname" } }, {
........... THE REST OF THE MAPPERS ...............} ]
As you can see there is no attribute which tells us that this mapper is active for this
client. I think there is only a table in the DB that marks this but this is kind of odd
being so that I can create a client but not attribute mappers to it.
Am I missing something?
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