I'm unable to log-in on localhost (both using
http://localhost and
http://mylocalhostname ) using keycloak-js (
https://www.npmjs.com/package/keycloak-js) on
Microsoft Edge.
The problem is , that no POST is made to /auth/realms/REALM/protocol/openid-connect/token
, only GET. On other browsers, or when using the same Edge to access the same app deployed
remotely, there's both POST and GET made (BTW, why?).
The keycloak is deployed on remote machine.
I've tested keycloak-js versions 4.5.0, 4.8.3 and 6.0.1
The keycloak server configuration is identical in both cases.
Do anybody experience that behavior? Is this Edge blocking some requests on random
criteria when the app is loaded from localhost?
Best regards,
Lukasz Lech