I'm trying do add a new user federation provider for integrate keycloak
with a ldap server.
The parameters:
Console display name -> Active Directory
Priority -> 0
Edit Mode -> READ_ONLY
Sync Registrations -> OFF
Vendor -> Active Directory
Username LDAP attribute -> sAMAccountName
User Object Classes -> person, organizationPerson, user
Connection URL -> ldap://dom.example.com:389
Base DN -> DC=dom,DC=example,DC=com
User DN Suffix -> CN=Users
Bind DN -> CN=Keycloak.LDAP;CN=Users;DC=dom,DC=example,DC=com
Bind Credential -> ********
Connection pooling -> ON
Pagination -> ON
Enable Account After Password Update -> OFF
Batch Size -> 100
Periodic Full Sync -> OFF
Periodic changed users sync -> ON
Changed users sync period -> 86400
I tried change User DN Suffix to only Users, but it not works. The log
always saying:
LDAP: error code 1 - 000020D6: SvcErr: DSID-031007DB, problem 5012
And it says this when it tries to parse the User DN Suffix.
Theres something wrong with my conf?
Ayrton Araújo
"If you can tell the false from the true you are already a scientist."