i'm currently developing my first spring boot website with keycloak authentication.
Everything works nicely except one problem. I have some <form>s on my site that
send post-requests. These work usualy fine but when the accesstoken is expired
something strange happens. The request gets redirectet to /sso/login, gets redirected
to the keycloak (/auth...), gets redirected back to /sso/loin (so far so good) but
then it redirects to GET localhost:8080 (where my app is running, but it uses GET
and drops the path)
So far i tried to permit access to the sso login entrypoint like sugested here:
without sucess.
I tried to use put request, just to learn that html form does not support anything
else than get and post.
Now i switched to get for all my forms which works but does not feel right.
Any pointers on how to solve this?
PS: Currently working on Keycloak 3.4.3 but not in the position to change this
any time soon :(