On 11.10.2019 15:41, cedric(a)couralet.eu wrote:
Le Vendredi, Octobre 11, 2019 13:40 CEST, İlhan Subaşı
<i.subasi(a)medyatakip.com> a écrit:
> I have build an custom user storage provider using this example
> Unfortunately when you activate this user federation then password
> policies do not work. For example under Authentication -> Password
> Policy -> Add policy... -> Minimum Length. This does not work. Is there
> any workaround to activate password policies?
I think you have to call the policy explicitly in your provider when updating password.
Look in the LdapStorageProvider for an example :
Thanks a lot. It works now.
I've made a small edit after that line. Instead of throwing an
ModelException I return a boolean false, in case of an error.
PolicyError error
=session.getProvider(PasswordPolicyManagerProvider.class).validate(realm, user,
if (error !=null)return false;