Hello Shweta,
thank you for checking.
On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 9:52 PM Shetty, Shweta <Shweta.Shetty(a)teradata.com>
Our login times are not acceptable with keycloak since during the
keycloak is doing the users to the group mapping.
This is a known WIP issue <
we are aware of and working on the fix.
Is there any way we can seperate the two concerns of logging in
(validating the password vs this group mapping).
FWICT looking at the code, it is currently not possible to switch of the
mappers sync
(use some configuration option, the mappers sync not to be performed), when
the users sync is performed. Mappers sync (thus including the groups one)
is called always, when user sync is requested (either "*Periodic Full sync*"
or "*Periodic Changed users sync*" options are turned on).
Is there a way to schedule this users to group mapping in the
after the login is finished ? Any input is appreciated , since we do have
large groups which the users belong too and the performance is painfully
But what you can do, till the final fix for KEYCLOAK-8253
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-8253> is available, are the
following two options:
- Keep "*Periodic Full sync*" or "*Periodic Changed users sync*"
enabled, but decrease the "*Batch Size*" setting / value in the "*Sync
Settings*" section, from the default value of 1000 to something smaller
(100, 10 or even 1), depending on the login time delay vs group sync time
improvement, when using these lowered options. You would need to try /
experiment a bit, which value improves the sync time in your environment.
*Rationale:* While in general to improve the time / duration
it takes to persist X records to the DB backend, it's better to process
more records on one transaction, from the KEYCLOAK-8253 testing, performed
so far, the default (1k records per one transaction setting) doesn't
provide expected performance gain, when the DB backend doesn't run on the
same host, or in the same network. In such a case, attempt to process 1k
records per one transaction often results the transaction to fail to be
processed as a whole. Thus can't be committed, needs to be rolled back, and
retried again. This is, what seems to be (at least from the testing
performed so far), causing the delay. Therefore lowering the count of
records, being processed within one transaction, it to succeed, could help.
Of course, to get the proper value for the setting, most suitable for your
environment, it might require some testing / experiment with the setting,
not to overwhelm the DB backend with too many transaction requests (which
would have negative impact on performance again), in the case the batch
size is too low [1].
- As an another workaround to try, till the final fix for KEYCLOAK-8253
is available, you can try to disable both the "*Periodic Full
sync*" or "*Periodic
Changed users sync*" settings altogether (even LDAP users wouldn't be
synced regularly in this case), during the working hours, when delayed
time, needed to login to Keycloak is inconvenient. And postpone the LDAP
groups sync (and also the mappers sync) to be performed in a non-automated,
asynchronous way (e.g. during non-working hours, once per day). This
asynchronous sync can be achieved:
- Either by 'Sync all LDAP groups to Keycloak' in the admin UI (not
- Or by issuing a Keycloak Admin REST API
https://www.keycloak.org/docs-api/7.0/rest-api/index.html> sync
request asynchronously, see:
- *Trigger sync of users Action can be "triggerFullSync" or
POST /{realm}/user-storage/{id}/sync
- *Trigger sync of mapper data related to ldap mapper (roles,
groups, …) direction is "fedToKeycloak" or "keycloakToFed" *
POST /{realm}/user-storage/{parentId}/mappers/{id}/sync
methods specification for further details.
Regards, Jan
[1] From what I can see, this is the reason, why the currently proposed
patch for KEYCLOAK-8253 isn't sufficient yet. It improves the group sync
time when both the Keycloak server & the DB backend container image are
running on the same host. But since the change modifies the groups sync
workflow, to process even groups in 1k records per one transaction manner
(not only users, but also groups are synced this way), it's making the
situation even worse in the scenario, when the DB backend isn't locally
nearby. So it needs to be refactored yet & is WIP effort.
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