Hi All,
When trying out SAML SLO with keycloak using Redirect Binding, noticed
that the "SigAlg" GET parameter of the logout response was set to
something like "SHA256withRSA". Quoting from section " DEFLATE
Encoding" of the spec,
"The signature algorithm identifier MUST be included as an additional
query string parameter,named SigAlg. The value of this parameter MUST
be a URI that identifies the algorithm used to sign the URL-encoded
SAML protocol message, specified according to [XMLSig] or whatever
specification governs the algorithm"
and libraries such as simplesamlphp and php-saml expect it to be a uri
in the form of "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256".
The mismatch causes those libraries to give errors when used with
keycloak idp.
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