I'm trying to set up user authentication mechanism for my website using Keycloak and
Kerberos protocol. I have followed instructions from here:
In Keycloak configuration menu I have changed Authentication Flow for Browser Kerberos
from alternative to required.
But after that when I'm going to my web page I got message "Kerberos is not set
up. You cannot login."
After enabling -Dsun.security.krb5.debug=true and -Dsun.security.spenego.degug=true and
change Kerberos authentication from required to alternative, the server log is the
13:17:06,116 INFO [org.keycloak.storage.ldap.LDAPIdentityStoreRegistry] (defaul
t task-17) Creating new LDAP Store for the LDAP storage provider: 'ldap', LDAP C
onfiguration: {serverPrincipal=[HTTPS/facultativoskeycloak.sanbox.local(a)SANBOX.L
OCAL], pagination=[true], fullSyncPeriod=[-1], connectionPooling=[true], usersDn
=[dc=sanbox,dc=local], cachePolicy=[DEFAULT], useKerberosForPasswordAuthenticati
on=[true], importEnabled=[true], enabled=[true], bindDn=[CN=keycloak,CN=Users,DC
=sanbox,DC=local], usernameLDAPAttribute=[cn], changedSyncPeriod=[-1], lastSync=
[1530011208], vendor=[ad], uuidLDAPAttribute=[objectGUID], allowKerberosAuthenti
cation=[true], connectionUrl=[ldap://sb-ad.sanbox.local:389], syncRegistrations=
[false], authType=[simple], debug=[true], searchScope=[2], useTruststoreSpi=[lda
psOnly], keyTab=[C:\\keycloak.keytab], kerberosRealm=[SANBOX.LOCAL], priority=[0
], userObjectClasses=[person, organizationalPerson, user], rdnLDAPAttribute=[cn]
, editMode=[WRITABLE], validatePasswordPolicy=[false], batchSizeForSync=[1000]},
binaryAttributes: []
13:17:06,135 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) Debug is true storeKey true useTi
cketCache false useKeyTab true doNotPrompt true ticketCache is null isInitiator
false KeyTab is C:\\keycloak.keytab refreshKrb5Config is false principal is HTTP
S/facultativoskeycloak.sanbox.local(a)SANBOX.LOCAL tryFirstPass is false useFirstP
ass is false storePass is false clearPass is false
13:17:06,138 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) principal is HTTPS/facultativoskey
13:17:06,139 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) Will use keytab
13:17:06,140 ERROR [stderr] (default task-17) [LoginContext]: login success
13:17:06,142 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) Commit Succeeded
13:17:06,142 INFO [stdout] (default task-17)
13:17:06,143 ERROR [stderr] (default task-17) [LoginContext]: commit success
13:17:06,150 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) Found KeyTab C:\keycloak.keytab fo
r HTTPS/facultativoskeycloak.sanbox.local(a)SANBOX.LOCAL
13:17:06,151 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) Found KeyTab C:\keycloak.keytab fo
r HTTPS/facultativoskeycloak.sanbox.local(a)SANBOX.LOCAL
13:17:06,153 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) Found KeyTab C:\keycloak.keytab fo
r HTTPS/facultativoskeycloak.sanbox.local(a)SANBOX.LOCAL
13:17:06,154 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) Found KeyTab C:\keycloak.keytab fo
r HTTPS/facultativoskeycloak.sanbox.local(a)SANBOX.LOCAL
13:17:06,157 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) Entered SpNegoContext.acceptSecCon
text with state=STATE_NEW
13:17:06,158 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) SpNegoContext.acceptSecContext: re
ceiving token = a0 6b 30 69 a0 30 30 2e 06 0a 2b 06 01 04 01 82 37 02 02 0a 06 0
9 2a 86 48 82 f7 12 01 02 02 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 12 01 02 02 06 0a 2b 06 01 04
01 82 37 02 02 1e a2 35 04 33 4e 54 4c 4d 53 53 50 00 01 00 00 00 97 b2 08 e2 06
00 06 00 2d 00 00 00 05 00 05 00 28 00 00 00 06 03 80 25 00 00 00 0f 53 42 2d 4
7 49 53 41 4e 42 4f 58
13:17:06,160 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) SpNegoToken NegTokenInit: reading
Mechanism Oid =
13:17:06,162 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) SpNegoToken NegTokenInit: reading
Mechanism Oid = 1.2.840.48018.1.2.2
13:17:06,164 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) SpNegoToken NegTokenInit: reading
Mechanism Oid = 1.2.840.113554.1.2.2
13:17:06,164 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) SpNegoToken NegTokenInit: reading
Mechanism Oid =
13:17:06,165 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) SpNegoToken NegTokenInit: reading
Mech Token
13:17:06,165 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) SpNegoContext.acceptSecContext: re
ceived token of type = SPNEGO NegTokenInit
13:17:06,166 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) SpNegoContext: negotiated mechanis
m = 1.2.840.113554.1.2.2
13:17:06,166 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) The underlying mechanism context h
as not been initialized
13:17:06,168 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) SpNegoContext.acceptSecContext: me
chanism wanted = 1.2.840.113554.1.2.2
13:17:06,170 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) SpNegoContext.acceptSecContext: ne
gotiated result = ACCEPT_INCOMPLETE
13:17:06,172 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) SpNegoContext.acceptSecContext: se
nding token of type = SPNEGO NegTokenTarg
13:17:06,172 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) SpNegoContext.acceptSecContext: se
nding token = a1 14 30 12 a0 03 0a 01 01 a1 0b 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 12 01 02 02
13:17:06,173 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) [Krb5LoginModule]: Enter
ing logout
13:17:06,174 INFO [stdout] (default task-17) [Krb5LoginModule]: logge
d out Subject
13:17:06,175 ERROR [stderr] (default task-17) [LoginContext]: logout success
Aditional information:
+Keycloak is installed in Windows Server 2012.
+Command to create keytabfile:
ktpass -out c:\keycloak.keytab -princ
-mapUser Keycloak@SANBOX.LOCAL<mailto:Keycloak@SANBOX.LOCAL> -pass XXXXX -kvno 0
-ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -crypto RC4-HMAC-NT
+Configuration KRB5.ini located in c:\windows
.sanbox.local = SANBOX.LOCAL
sanbox.local = SANBOX.LOCAL
default_realm = SANBOX.LOCAL
permitted_enctypes = aes128-cts aes256-cts arcfour-hmac-md5
default_tgs_enctypes = aes128-cts aes256-cts arcfour-hmac-md5
default_tkt_enctypes = aes128-cts aes256-cts arcfour-hmac-md5
kdc = sb-ad.sanbox.local
admin_server = sb-ad.sanbox.local
default_domain = SANBOX.LOCAL
+Kerberos Integration:
Allow Kerberos authentication: YES
Kerberos Realm SANBOX.LOCAL
Server Principal
KeyTab C:/keycloak.keytab
Debug YES
Use Kerberos For Password Authentication YES
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