On 5/28/2015 7:30 AM, pubudu gunawardena wrote:
Hi All,
I am writing a federation provider which performs authentication
against an RDBMS.
I am using keycloak 1.2.0.Final. I have looked at the sample
properties provider and would like to know a few things.
In UserFederationProviderFactory
1. UserFederationProviderFactory#create returns null in the example.
Do we not need to implement that?
No. This method is not called.
2. When is the UserFederationProviderFactory#close method called? Is
it when the server is shut down?
3. When is the init method called? Is it called once per object
It Factory.init() is only called once when the server boots. The config
is pulled in from keycloak_server.json
4. Is it only one instance of a given type
UserFederationProviderFactory that is created for the system?
Only one Factory instance is created for the server.
5. The javadoc for UserFederationProvider#getUserByUsername says
"Required to import into local storage any user found." does it mean
that I have to call keyCloakSession.userStorage().addUser(realm,
userName)? Do I have to do that even if the user has been already
previously imported into the system? Do I have to synchronize the user
data in that method?
You do not have to test to see if the username exists in local storage.
Keycloak will do that before calling this method.
6. Same as question 5 for methods getUserByEmail and
getUserEmail does not require that you check to see if the user exists
in local storage. searchByAttribute, unfortunately does. The way you
should implement is:
1. do your query
2. Loop on results
3. if result is not in local storage, import to local storage
4. add result to returned List<UserModel>
7. When should I return false from method "isValid". What
returning false from that method prevent? Is it importing/prevent user
from logging in/not show user in user list?
Keycloak may call this method to determine if a user is still exists or
is still enabled in federated storage.
8. In validCredentials(RealmModel realm, UserCredentialModel
credential) the javadoc says "Validate credentials of unknown user.".
When should I implement that method? How can an unknown user be
This method is really only used for kerberos authentication against an
LDAP database.
9. When is the UserFederationProvider# close method called?
UserFederationProviders are created and closed once per request.
Any help is highly appreciated. If possible please mention how those
questions will relate to an RDBMS backed provider implementation.
Thanks, I'll add all this to the javadoc.
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat