I have some customized ResourceProviders implements RealmResourceProvider (follow the
example in keycloak: org.keycloak.examples.rest), something like this:
public class UserProvider implements RealmResourceProvider {
public Response validateAuthenticationRequest(@PathParam("username") String
username, @HeaderParam("Authorization") String authorization) {
I also create Log Interceptor following the document here:
https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/tutorial/cdi-adv006.htm> and add Log interceptor
annotation in previous class like :
public class UserProvider implements RealmResourceProvider {
public Response validateAuthenticationRequest(@PathParam("username") String
username, @HeaderParam("Authorization") String authorization) {
But the Interceptor doesn't work. Do you have any ideas why?
Many Thanks!
25.6 Using Interceptors in CDI Applications - Java
25.6 Using Interceptors in CDI Applications. An interceptor is a class used to interpose
in method invocations or lifecycle events that occur in an associated target ...