Hello Pavel,
This is not out of the box unfortunately. There is a built-in event listener with email
sending capability [1], but it is limited to a subset of login-related events (like update
password etc.)
However you could use org.keycloak.events.email.EmailEventListenerProvider as a template
to implement your own event listener. You should introduce your FTL template, then listen
for admin events with resourceType == USER && operationType == CREATE, and finally
call emailTemplateProvider...send() method.
Feel free to ask any other voprosy :)
Dmitry Telegin
CTO, Acutus s.r.o.
Keycloak Consulting and Training
Pod lipami street 339/52, 130 00 Prague 3, Czech Republic
+42 (022) 888-30-71
E-mail: info(a)acutus.pro
On Wed, 2019-01-30 at 12:19 +0100, Pavel Maslov wrote:
Hi all,
When I manually create a new user from the Keycloak Admin Console (UI), can
Keycloak automatically send an email to that person?
> From what I can see now the user does not know that I have created an
account, unless I inform them (e.g. by email).
Pavel Maslov, MS
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