On 12/02/2019 22:02, Coe, Matthew wrote:
I’m attempting to configure a cluster of standalone Keycloak 4.7.0.Final instances to
have their Infinispan data persisted. I’m using JDBCPING to create the cluster, and our
user load is great enough that we don’t want to keep all our sessions in memory.
I’ve configured the “sessions” cache as follows:
<distributed-cache name="sessions" statistics-enabled="true">
<state-transfer timeout="600000" />
<object-memory size="2"/>
<jdbc-store data-source="KeycloakDS" passivation="true"
dialect="MYSQL" purge="false" shared="true">
<id-column type="VARCHAR(255)"/>
<data-column type="BLOB" name="data"/>
<timestamp-column type="BIGINT(20)"
The object-memory size is selected purely for testing purposes, so that I can quickly hit
a point where data will need to be evicted from Infinispan.
The problem I’m running into is that data is only persisted to MySQL is passivation is
on, where it exhibits the predictable passivation behaviour. When I turn passivation to
false, instead of acting as a write-through cache, will all data persisted, no data is
persisted at all. Once I fill the object-memory size, sessions start getting dropped
behind the scenes.
Is this pilot error? Or have I found a bug in Infinispan? DEBUG-level logging doesn’t
reveal any complaints from the underlying systems.
We're programatically adding the flag to skip cacheStore/cacheLoad to
many operations on userSession. The reason is, that for cross-dc
scenario, we're programatically invoking execution of some operations on
remote caches (JDG servers).
In other words, no other infinispan stores besides remote-store will
properly work. Feel free to create JIRA (or add yourself as a vote to
existing JIRA as it maybe already exists).
Matthew G P Coe
Platform Software Developer
T 416.969.2365
M 416.427.7315
E mcoe(a)ebay.com
A 500 King Street West, Unit 200, M5V 1L8, Toronto, ON
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