Are you ready for Java 8? Windup about to move
by Ondrej Zizka
For various reasons, we would like to move Windup to Java 8.
That would mean that it would not run on Java 7 anymore.
*Is there anyone out there who has Java 7 as a hard requirement?*
If so, we would release 2.6.0 still with Java 7 and move in Windup 3.
But if we don't find anyone depending on Java 7, the 2.6.0 release will
require Java 8.
Let us know here in the replies, or in IRC #wndup @ FreeeNode, or at .
8 years, 9 months
Option to force "YES" on windup questions
by Rodrigo Ramalho
Hello, I'm on a big customer with ~400 apps to analyze with windup. I'm
trying to batch execute this analysis but sometime windup prompt:
"The input application is large. Processing may take a very long time.
Please consult the Windup User Guide for performance tips. Would you like
to continue? [Y,n] y"
Is there some option to force this option to always Y?
Rodrigo Ramalho | Solution Architect
T: +55 (21) 2546.9953
M: +55 (21) 9.9988.8029
8 years, 9 months