Lukas Witzani (
) *updated* an issue
Hibernate ORM (
) / Bug (
) HHH-16037 (
) merge of a persisted entity uses an insert statement instead of an update statement
resulting in duplicate entities (
Change By: Lukas Witzani (
h2. Minimal project for reproduction
* project has two branches (one with hibernate 5 and one with hibernate 6)
* the only difference in the branches is the updated versions of spring boot and therefore
* i debugged very deep and think that it is a problem with hibernate at the location where
the select statement is generated ({{LoaderSelectBuilder}}.{{createSelect}})
h2. Requisites
* entity ("Person") exists that has a field which is a set of other entities
* these other entities are derived from an abstract super class ("Leg extends
* the abstract super class' inheritance strategy is SINGLE_TABLE
h2. Reproduction
* execute the test PersonPersistenceTest.shouldUseSQLUpdateToChangeThePersonName
* the test basically
** creates a Person (without Legs) and saves it using the repository
** refetches the Person by findById
** changes the Person's name
** saves the changed Person again
h2. Observations in Hibernate 5.6.14.Final
* when the second save is called (after changing the name) there will be a select
statement which is used to check if the entity already exists
** the body_part table is joined via left outer join
** the where clause here only consists of "where [|] = \
* the entity is correctly found by the select statement so afterwards an update statement
* result: one entity exists (the changed one)
h2. Observations in Hibernate 6.1.6.Final
* when the second save is called (after changing the name) there will be a different
select statement now
** the body_part table is joined via left join now (not outer)
** the critical change here is that the where clause now suddenly consists of "where
body_part.discriminator = 'LegBodyPart' and [|] = \
* although the entity exists, it is not found by the select statement so afterwards an
insert statement follows which creates a second Person with a new id
* result: two entities exist (the original one and the changed one)
h1. Summary
* after updating spring boot to 3.0.1 which also updates hibernate to 6.1.6.Final it does
not seem to be possible to update an entity with this constellation
* the main difference is that an additional and unexpected where clause is added which
prevents finding the correct entity in this case
* the result is that a new entity is persisted instead of the existing one being updated
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