[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (HHH-1988) Repeated column chack fails with SingleTable inheritance, biut not with TablePerClass
by Sergey Vladimirov (JIRA)
Repeated column chack fails with SingleTable inheritance, biut not with TablePerClass
Key: HHH-1988
URL: http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-1988
Project: Hibernate3
Type: Bug
Components: metamodel
Versions: 3.2.0.cr3
Environment: HA last from SVN, HEM last from SVN, MySQL
Reporter: Sergey Vladimirov
Not sure about component.
Parent class introduce field, which is also discriminator field.
Hibernate reports error in child class if and only if strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE
org.hibernate.MappingException: Repeated column in mapping for entity: ru.arptek.arpsite.data.discriminator.IntegerSingleChild column: type (should be mapped with insert="false" update="false")
at org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass.checkColumnDuplication(PersistentClass.java:590)
at org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass.checkPropertyColumnDuplication(PersistentClass.java:612)
at org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass.checkColumnDuplication(PersistentClass.java:630)
at org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass.validate(PersistentClass.java:405)
at org.hibernate.mapping.SingleTableSubclass.validate(SingleTableSubclass.java:43)
at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.validate(Configuration.java:1026)
at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory(Configuration.java:1211)
at org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration.buildEntityManagerFactory(Ejb3Configuration.java:631)
at org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration.createEntityManagerFactory(Ejb3Configuration.java:760)
at org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration.createEntityManagerFactory(Ejb3Configuration.java:627)
at ru.arptek.arpsite.data.AbstractHibernateJUnitTest.setUp(AbstractHibernateJUnitTest.java:89)
at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(TestCase.java:125)
at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(TestResult.java:106)
at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(TestResult.java:124)
at junit.framework.TestResult.run(TestResult.java:109)
at junit.framework.TestCase.run(TestCase.java:118)
at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(TestSuite.java:208)
at junit.framework.TestSuite.run(TestSuite.java:203)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.junit3.JUnit3TestReference.run(JUnit3TestReference.java:128)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.TestExecution.run(TestExecution.java:38)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(RemoteTestRunner.java:460)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(RemoteTestRunner.java:673)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.run(RemoteTestRunner.java:386)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.main(RemoteTestRunner.java:196)
Test cas works with strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS
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17 years, 6 months
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (HHH-2122) optimization patch based on pmd rules
by Xavier Le Vourch (JIRA)
optimization patch based on pmd rules
Key: HHH-2122
URL: http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-2122
Project: Hibernate3
Type: Patch
Environment: latest svn source
Reporter: Xavier Le Vourch
Priority: Minor
Attachments: Optimizations.patch
I've run pmd with a custom ruleset and made a few optimization changes:
Double.valueOf(x).doubleValue() -> Double.parseDouble(x)
append("x") -> append('x')
x != null && x instanceof X -> x instanceof X
list.toArray uses correctly sized array as argument
new String(str) -> str
if (expr == false) -> if (!expr)
append(s1 + s2) -> append(s1).append(s2)
loop over array to add to list -> list.addAll(Arrays.asList(<array>))
extra ; removed
name.toLowerCase().equals("rowid") -> name.equalsIgnoreCase("rowid")
use of System.arraycopy instead of loop
I could break the patch in several parts if that makes it easier to analyze.
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17 years, 6 months
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (ANN-526) Property xyz has an unbound type - is that so?
by Sebastian Kirsch (JIRA)
Property xyz has an unbound type - is that so?
Key: ANN-526
URL: http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/ANN-526
Project: Hibernate Annotations
Type: Bug
Versions: 3.2.1
Reporter: Sebastian Kirsch
Priority: Minor
Attachments: Hibernate ANN-526.zip
I get this "Property reference has an unbound type and no explictit target entity" exception and I think this is not exactly true. I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature requests though.
Have a look at the attached files and read on.
I guess the model ist pretty easy to understand. The AbstractGeneric allows my to have concrete entities referring to specifc other subclasses - as seen in ConcreteOther and ConcreteSelf. The test case "workingClasses" shows us that Hibernate may work with this model - note that the class AbstractGeneric itslef was NOT added to the configuration.
Now for the problem: The class OtherEntity is a completly different entity, but it refers to instances of AbstractGeneric - to any subclass of it actually, as AbstractGeneric is obviously abstract.
If you run the test case "otherClass" the first part states that Hibernate doesn't know AbstractGeneric - which is fine, so I add that class to the configuration and try to build a session factory again. Now we receive the beforementioned exception.
That's the situation. So is AbstractGeneric really an unbound type? I'd say it is not - T has an upper bound which should be good enough to work with - we know the table and the PK...
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17 years, 6 months
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (ANN-480) Query by Example in annotation form
by M N G (JIRA)
Query by Example in annotation form
Key: ANN-480
URL: http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/ANN-480
Project: Hibernate Annotations
Type: New Feature
Environment: jdk >= 1.5, hibernate >= 3, ant > 1.5
Reporter: M N G
Priority: Minor
Attachments: searchable.tar.gz
Interested in adsorbing this framework I built?
Takes all the work out of creating a Criteria. Similar to how Query by Example, this small framework I wrote builds Criteria from annotated pojos.
A pojo is annotated to map hibernate bean mappings to methods. The annotated pojo's class is registered in the Registry, which uses reflecting to define the signatures to create the Criteria for the pojo. The values to search for are set in the pojo and the pojo is passed to the Builder. The Builder uses the registry to create the Criteria delimited by the values in the annotated pojo.
Not entirely mature yet (does not support all Criteria Restrictions) and the handling of sorting results is a bit unwieldy. It works tho.
Attached is a copy of the framework. It includes a unit test that kick starts a HSQL database to demostrate the framework.
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17 years, 6 months
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (ANN-506) Request for Expression Language (EL) for Validator annotations
by Chris Hansen (JIRA)
Request for Expression Language (EL) for Validator annotations
Key: ANN-506
URL: http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/ANN-506
Project: Hibernate Annotations
Type: New Feature
Components: validator
Environment: All
Reporter: Chris Hansen
Since annotations are limited to primitive types, I would like to see a type of EL for the Validator annotations (similar to the JSF/JSP EL). This would effectively overcome this limitation of annotations and allow for very powerful functionality, such as utilizing the natural ordering of classes. For example:
@Range(min="#{MyClass.MIN_OBJECT}", max="#{MyClass.MAX_OBJECT}") public MyClass getCurrent()
Assuming MIN_OBJECT and MAX_OBJECT are (static, final) instances of MyClass and MyClass implements Comparable<myClass>, the validator could compare the return value of the method with both MIN_OBJECT and MAX_OBJECT and validate that it is within the desired range.
This is just an example. I'm sure there are many more interesting uses possible because this is a powerful concept.
The regular functionality of the annotatinos could be preserved by treating static (non-EL) values, such as the string "0", as old-style primitives, e.g. @Min(value="0").
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17 years, 6 months
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (ANN-434) Confusing error message with @EmbeddedId and @Id
by Patrick Moore (JIRA)
Confusing error message with @EmbeddedId and @Id
Key: ANN-434
URL: http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/ANN-434
Project: Hibernate Annotations
Type: Bug
Versions: 3.2.0.cr1
Environment: Hibernate 3.2.0.cr2
Reporter: Patrick Moore
trying to create an entity with embeddedid and automatically generated ids. The resulting error message was very confusing and may be a bug as well.
(See below for sample files) Notice the message is that TransPolId doesn't have an @Id property when in fact it does. The problem is 'solved' by removing the @Id in the TransPolId class. This caused a lot of wasted time on my part please fix for the next person!
Some additional debugging notes:
The problem is caused in part because when expanding TransPolId to within AnnotationBinder.processElementAnnotations()
isIdentifierMapper == false so none of the checks looking for this sort of thing execute.
I believe the solution is to change AnnotationBinder.bindId() as follows:
if ( isComposite ) {
id = fillComponent(
propertyHolder, inferredData, isPropertyAnnotated, propertyAccessor,
false, entityBinder, isEmbedded, isIdentifierMapper, mappings
Component componentId = (Component) id;
componentId.setKey( true );
if ( componentId.getPropertySpan() == 0 ) {
throw new AnnotationException( componentId.getComponentClassName() + " has no persistent id property" );
if ( isComposite ) {
id = fillComponent(
propertyHolder, inferredData, isPropertyAnnotated, propertyAccessor,
false, entityBinder, isEmbedded, true, mappings <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< isIdentifierMapper replaced by true
Component componentId = (Component) id;
componentId.setKey( true );
if ( componentId.getPropertySpan() == 0 ) {
throw new AnnotationException( componentId.getComponentClassName() + " has no persistent id property" );
java.vm.name=Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, cache.provider_class=org.hibernate.cache.NoCacheProvider, file.encoding=Cp1252, java.specification.version=1.5, hibernate.show_sql=true, hibernate.connection.pool_size=1}
16:19:01,109 DEBUG [Configuration] Preparing to build session factory with filters : {}
16:19:01,109 DEBUG [AnnotationConfiguration] Execute first pass mapping processing
16:19:01,109 DEBUG [AnnotationConfiguration] Process hbm files
16:19:01,109 DEBUG [AnnotationConfiguration] Process annotated classes
16:19:01,125 INFO [AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: com.transparentpolitics.core.persistence.IdUsing1
16:19:01,125 DEBUG [Ejb3Column] Binding column DTYPE unique false
16:19:01,125 DEBUG [EntityBinder] Import with entity name=IdUsing1
16:19:01,125 INFO [EntityBinder] Bind entity com.transparentpolitics.core.persistence.IdUsing1 on table IdUsing1
16:19:01,125 DEBUG [AnnotationBinder] Processing com.transparentpolitics.core.persistence.IdUsing1 property annotation
16:19:01,125 DEBUG [AnnotationBinder] Processing com.transparentpolitics.core.persistence.IdUsing1 field annotation
16:19:01,125 DEBUG [AnnotationBinder] Processing annotations of com.transparentpolitics.core.persistence.IdUsing1.transid
16:19:01,125 DEBUG [Ejb3Column] Binding column transid unique false
16:19:01,125 DEBUG [AnnotationBinder] transid is an id
16:19:01,125 DEBUG [AnnotationBinder] Binding component with path: com.transparentpolitics.core.persistence.IdUsing1.transid
16:19:01,125 DEBUG [AnnotationBinder] Processing com.transparentpolitics.core.persistence.TransPolId field annotation
16:19:01,125 DEBUG [AnnotationBinder] Processing annotations of com.transparentpolitics.core.persistence.TransPolId.id
16:19:01,125 DEBUG [Ejb3Column] Binding column id unique false
16:19:01,125 DEBUG [AnnotationBinder] id is an id
16:19:01,125 DEBUG [SimpleValueBinder] building SimpleValue for id
16:19:01,125 DEBUG [PropertyBinder] Building property id
16:19:01,125 DEBUG [PropertyBinder] Cascading id with null
16:19:01,125 DEBUG [AnnotationBinder] Bind @Id on id
org.hibernate.AnnotationException: com.transparentpolitics.core.persistence.TransPolId has no persistent id property
at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationBinder.bindId(AnnotationBinder.java:1686)
at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationBinder.processElementAnnotations(AnnotationBinder.java:1170)
at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationBinder.bindClass(AnnotationBinder.java:699)
at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration.processArtifactsOfType(AnnotationConfiguration.java:353)
at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration.secondPassCompile(AnnotationConfiguration.java:265)
at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.generateDropSchemaScript(Configuration.java:682)
... 20 more
public class TransPolId implements Serializable {
@Id @GeneratedValue
public Long id;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if ( o instanceof TransPolId ) {
return ((TransPolId)o).id.equals(id);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return id.hashCode();
public class IdUsing1 {
public TransPolId id;
public String value;
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17 years, 6 months