[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (HSEARCH-374) Timeout support for lucene searches
by Benjamin Gniza (JIRA)
Timeout support for lucene searches
Key: HSEARCH-374
URL: http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HSEARCH-374
Project: Hibernate Search
Issue Type: New Feature
Components: query
Reporter: Benjamin Gniza
Attachments: bit-TimeoutPatched-Hibernate-Search-1.0.1EXPERIMENTAL.zip
It would be nice to add support for the TimeLimitedCollector of Lucene (Versions 2.4.0 and above).
We needed that feature in our project within a week so we couldn't wait for a new official release and had to imlement it on our own.
Check out https://sourceforge.net/projects/timeoutpatchhib/ for our source (LGPL just as requested by hibernate).
I attached our current source code to the Jira issue. New versions will be published on sourceforge, please refer to https://sourceforge.net/projects/timeoutpatchhib/ for the most current one. The attached source only includes the code to support the TimeLimitedCollector.
We also have an experimental version which tries to find the reason of a BooleanQuery.TooManyClausesException within the offending user search term. For more information take a look at the sourceforge project.
Note: We didn't overide the query.setTimeout(int) method because we didn't know if this would have caused other side effects. So we created a method query.setTimeout(long).
Changed Methods:
- org.hibernate.search.FullTextQuery
-- +isSearchTimoutExceeded()
-- +setTimeout(long)
-- +getTimeout()
- org.hibernate.search.query.FullTextQueryImpl
-- getQueryHits(IndexSearcher, Integer)
-- +isSearchTimoutExceeded()
-- +setTimeout(long)
-- +getTimeout()
- org.hibernate.search.query.QueryHits
-- Constructors
-- scoreDoc(int)
-- updateTopDocs(int)
-- +getTopDocCollector(int)
-- +getHitCollectorForSearch(TopDocCollector)
-- +isTimeLimitExceeded()
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14 years, 2 months
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (ANN-668) Method in entity with return type of ArrayList<Object[]> causes failure to build session factory
by Clint Popetz (JIRA)
Method in entity with return type of ArrayList<Object[]> causes failure to build session factory
Key: ANN-668
URL: http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/ANN-668
Project: Hibernate Annotations
Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 3.3.0.ga
Environment: Hibernate 3.2.X, no database needed (happens during factory build before connecting to db)
Reporter: Clint Popetz
Attachments: propertyTypeExtractorBug.tar.gz
The following source:
public class TestEntity {
public int Id;
public java.util.ArrayList<Object[]> badMethod() { return null; }
public static void main(String args[]) {
new org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration().addAnnotatedClass(TestEntity
will cause:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No PropertyTypeExtractor available for type void
at org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.java.JavaReflectionManager.toXType(JavaReflectionManager.java:164)^M
at org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.java.JavaXMethod.create(JavaXMethod.java:18)
at org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.java.JavaReflectionManager.getXMethod(JavaReflectionManager.java:128)
at org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.java.JavaXClass.getDeclaredMethods(JavaXClass.java:114)
at org.hibernate.validator.ClassValidator.initValidator(ClassValidator.java:214)
at org.hibernate.validator.ClassValidator.<init>(ClassValidator.java:133)
at org.hibernate.validator.event.ValidateEventListener.initialize(ValidateEventListener.java:91)
at org.hibernate.event.EventListeners.initializeListeners(EventListeners.java:356)
at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.getInitializedEventListeners(Configuration.java:1304)
at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory(Configuration.java:1294)
Changing the return type to List<Object[]> avoids the bug.
Attached is a tgz of an ant-buildable project; typing "ant run" will illustrate the bug.
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14 years, 2 months
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (HHH-3873) DB2Dialect.getLimitString raise DB2 error message when called with limit=0
by Julien Kronegg (JIRA)
DB2Dialect.getLimitString raise DB2 error message when called with limit=0
Key: HHH-3873
URL: http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-3873
Project: Hibernate Core
Issue Type: Bug
Components: core
Affects Versions: 3.3.1
Environment: DB2,
Reporter: Julien Kronegg
Priority: Minor
Executing a query called with setMaxResults(n) makes the underlying Hibernate code to call DB2Dialect.getLimitString.
While this is working fine in general case, the following database error is raised when setting the maximum number of results to zero:
This is due to the getLimitString method in classes DB2400Dialect and DB2390Dialect :
public String getLimitString(String sql, int offset, int limit) {
return new StringBuffer(sql.length() + 40)
.append(" fetch first ")
.append(" rows only ")
When the limit parameter is set to zero, the fetch limit is appended, which explains why the error message occur.
When the limit is 0, there should be no "fetch first" instruction appended (as 0 is the general convention for "no limit"). The code would be:
public String getLimitString(String sql, int offset, int limit) {
+ if (limit==0) return sql;
return new StringBuffer(sql.length() + 40)
.append(" fetch first ")
.append(" rows only ")
In order to avoid the error message, getLimitString(n) or setMaxResults(n) should be called with the 'newN' argument:
int newN = (n==0?Integer.MAX_VALUE:n);
Note: since the workaround is quite easy, I set the priority to "Minor"
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14 years, 2 months
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (HHH-4074) Polymorphic queries avoid with polymorphism="explicit" in hbm.xml file doesn't work
by Radics Laszlo (JIRA)
Polymorphic queries avoid with polymorphism="explicit" in hbm.xml file doesn't work
Key: HHH-4074
URL: http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-4074
Project: Hibernate Core
Issue Type: Bug
Components: core
Affects Versions: 3.3.2
Environment: hibernate 3.3.2
Oracle 9i
Reporter: Radics Laszlo
<hibernate-mapping default-cascade="none">
<class name="hu.raiffeisen.aps.soa.entity.collateral.AncestorImpl" table="ANCESTOR" dynamic-insert="false" dynamic-update="false" polymorphism="explicit">
<id name="id" type="java.lang.Long" unsaved-value="null">
<column name="ID" sql-type="NUMBER(19)"/>
<generator class="sequence">
<param name="sequence">ANCESTOR_SEQ</param>
<property name="top" type="java.lang.Long">
<column name="TOP" not-null="true" unique="false" sql-type="NUMBER(19)"/>
<union-subclass name="hu.raiffeisen.aps.soa.entity.collateral.DescendantImpl" table="DESCENDANT" dynamic-insert="false" dynamic-update="false" abstract="false">
<property name="bottom" type="java.lang.Long">
<column name="BOTTOM" not-null="true" unique="false" sql-type="NUMBER(19)"/>
hql: "from AncestorImpl" fetch both ancestor and descendant rows
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14 years, 2 months
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (HHH-4042) StatelessSession does not flush when using jdbc batch_size > 1
by Gael Beaudoin (JIRA)
StatelessSession does not flush when using jdbc batch_size > 1
Key: HHH-4042
URL: http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-4042
Project: Hibernate Core
Issue Type: Bug
Components: core
Affects Versions: 3.3.1
Environment: JBoss 4.2.3, Linux, java 1.6, hibernate 3.3.1, entityManager 3.4.0, jboss seam 2.1.2, postgresql 8.3
Reporter: Gael Beaudoin
I'm using a StetelessSession to insert millions of rows : it works great and without using much memory. But I've just seen that with a jdbc batch size of 50 for example (<property name="hibernate.jdbc.batch_size" value="0"/> in my persistence.xml) the last round of inserts aren't flushed to the database. For example, with 70 insert, only the first 50 are sent to the database.
I've searched a lot about this issues and on this thread (https://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=987882&start=0), the only solution found is to set the batch_size to 1, which is really a shame.
I've tried to flush the session, close the jdbc connection, etc etc ... no luck.
I'd be fine with a way to set the batch_size to 1 only for this method, pro grammatically, but I've not found any way to do that.
If you don't pay attention, it's a easy way to lose data.
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14 years, 2 months
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (HHH-2319) StatelessInterceptor
by Max Rydahl Andersen (JIRA)
Key: HHH-2319
URL: http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-2319
Project: Hibernate3
Type: New Feature
Components: core
Versions: 3.2.1
Reporter: Max Rydahl Andersen
It would make sense to have an Interceptor for StatelessSession to solve the following usecases:
Log/adjust SQL: onPrepareStatement
Proper entityname handling: instantiate/getEntity
Maybe also tx interaction: afterTransationBegin/beforeTransactionCompletion/afterTransactionCompletion
Technically it could be solved by just allowing to pass in a normal interceptor to a StatelessSession and just
document that the state oriented callbacks will not be called. Alternatively we can create a StatelessInterceptor that
only implement the releavant methods and wrap that instance into an internal Interceptor.
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14 years, 2 months
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (HHH-2007) Hibernate doesn't support optional one-to-one associations
by Andrei Iltchenko (JIRA)
Hibernate doesn't support optional one-to-one associations
Key: HHH-2007
URL: http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-2007
Project: Hibernate3
Type: Bug
Components: core
Versions: 3.2.0.cr2
Reporter: Andrei Iltchenko
Hibernate doesn't properly support optional one-to-one associations, e.g. Person (0..1) -- (0..1) Passport.
The Hibernate books and reference all talk of two ways of mapping one-to-one associations:
1. using a many-to-one fk association with a unique constraint on the fk;
2. using a pk association.
the trouble with both of them is that they enforce the mandatory property of an association end, which sometimes is not desirable. The first way enforces the mandatory property with the uniqueness constraint on the fk, the other by using the fact that one table's pk is its fk.
I tried to see if I could adapt the 1st way of representing one-to-ones to
support optional association ends. What I did was simply remove the unique and not null constrains from DDL generated (without removing it it would be impossible to have a Person record that doesn't reference a Passport record):
PassUniqueId VARCHAR (32) NOT NULL,
uniqueId VARCHAR (32) NOT NULL,
name VARCHAR (40) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (uniqueId),
FOREIGN KEY (PassUniqueId) REFERENCES Passport (uniqueId)
PassUniqueId VARCHAR (32) NULL,
uniqueId VARCHAR (32) NOT NULL,
name VARCHAR (40) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (uniqueId),
FOREIGN KEY (PassUniqueId) REFERENCES Passport (uniqueId)
but leave the uniqueness attribute in the mapping file:
<column name="PassUniqueId"/>
The resulting solution worked fine and I was able to create instances of Person not linked to a Passport. However Hibernate didn't succed in keeping the association from degrading into a many-to-one. It enabled me to create two Persons linked with the same Passport:
0d8b3919fffff | 1 | 0d5fb1dcfff | John
0d8b3919fffff | 0 | 10fd07bdfff | Sam
A subsequent attempt at retrieving such Persons with Hibernate failed:
org.hibernate.HibernateException: More than one row with the given identifier was found: 0d8b3919ffffffd60151e135b6da0164, for class: application.business.logic.Passport.
Hibernate should be able to impose the single end property of such associations without relying on the underlying RDBMS engine and never allow them to degrade to many-to-ones.
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14 years, 2 months