
  • 1 participants
  • 1007 discussions
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (HV-509) Property path is wrong for cascaded validation of class-level constraints
by Gunnar Morling (JIRA)
13 years
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (EJB-265) Incorrect SQL generated for JPA QL Update statement involving multiple entities
by Alex Savitsky (JIRA)
13 years
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (HHH-2965) When using Criteria.setResultTransformer(CriteriaSpecification.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP) method aliases need to be optional
by Ittai Zeidman (JIRA)
13 years
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (JPA-14) OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT is not incrementing version field of non-dirty entities
by Behrang Saeedzadeh (JIRA)
13 years
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (HHH-6042) To much columns in select queries after creating criteria with join
by Karol Kowalczyk (JIRA)
13 years
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (HSEARCH-886) Provide the ability to configure specific paths to index within @IndexEmbedded as an alternative to depth
by Zach Kurey (JIRA)
13 years
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (HSEARCH-856) Implement HibernateSearchIntegrator#integrate(MetadataImplementor, SessionFactoryImplementor, SessionFactoryServiceRegistry)
by Hardy Ferentschik (JIRA)
13 years
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (HSEARCH-728) Backport MassIndexer to 3.1.X
by Chris Hornsey (JIRA)
13 years
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (HSEARCH-846) Backport HSEARCH-761 to 3.4 branch
by Kyrill Alyoshin (JIRA)
13 years
[Hibernate-JIRA] Created: (HSEARCH-85) Asynchronous incremental optimizer
by Emmanuel Bernard (JIRA)
13 years
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