
  • 1 participants
  • 766 discussions
[JIRA] (HHH-13968) Version mismatch in forbiddenapis version
by Sanne Grinovero (JIRA)
4 years, 8 months
[JIRA] (HHH-10956) Persisting partially-generated composite Ids fails with HibernateException: No part of a composite identifier may be null
by IT Support (JIRA)
4 years, 8 months
[JIRA] (HHH-3007) Unchanged persistent set gets marked dirty on session.merge()
by Marco Janc (JIRA)
4 years, 8 months
[JIRA] (HHH-13967) Oracle Sequence metadata retrievement through synonym not working anymore (induce schema validation failed)
by Christophe Janton (JIRA)
4 years, 8 months
[JIRA] (HHH-10957) Persisting Entity without @IdClass having a partially-generated composite Id fails with PropertyAccessException: could not set a field value by reflection setter of org.hibernate.bugs.Item.id
by IT Support (JIRA)
4 years, 8 months
[JIRA] (HHH-13967) Oracle Sequence metadata retrievement through synonym not working anymore (induce schema validation failed)
by Christophe Janton (JIRA)
4 years, 8 months
[JIRA] (HHH-13965) AssertionError exception is thrown by SqlFunctionMetadataBuilderContributorIllegalClassArgumentTest when executing on Eclipse OpenJ9 VM AdoptOpenJDK (v. 11.0.6)
by Fabio Burzigotti (JIRA)
4 years, 8 months
[JIRA] (HHH-13966) java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError exception is thrown by org.hibernate.test.typeoverride.TypeOverrideTest when executing on Eclipse OpenJ9 VM AdoptOpenJDK (v. 11.0.6)
by Fabio Burzigotti (JIRA)
4 years, 8 months
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