Steve Ebersole closed HHH-6887.
Prepping 4.0.1
Improve SQLStateConverter to take sql state type from the database
metadata into account
Key: HHH-6887
Project: Hibernate Core
Issue Type: Improvement
Components: core
Affects Versions: 4.0.0.CR7
Reporter: Hardy Ferentschik
Assignee: Steve Ebersole
Labels: DatabaseMetaData
Fix For: 4.0.1
Time Spent: 4h 55m
See also
Log of IRC discussion on what needs to be done:
hardy: sebersole: hi, I have a sql error code question if you have time
[4:33pm] sebersole: hardy: ok
[4:33pm] hardy: it is related to HV-516
[4:33pm] jbossbot: jira [HV-516] Hibernate Validator doesn't work well with hibernate
persistence when generating DDL [Open (Unresolved) Bug, Critical, Hardy Ferentschik]
[4:33pm] hardy: the issue claims that a length constraints does not get applied during
DDL generation
[4:33pm] hardy: the issue itself is wrong
[4:34pm] hardy: the length constraint gets created, but while testing it I found
something else
[4:34pm] hardy: I wrote this test
[4:34pm] sebersole: ok
[4:34pm] hardy:
[4:34pm] jbossbot: git [hibernate-core] d548da9.. Hardy Ferentschik HV-516 adding test
for H2
[4:34pm] jbossbot: jira [HV-516] Hibernate Validator doesn't work well with hibernate
persistence when generating DDL [Open (Unresolved) Bug, Critical, Hardy Ferentschik]
[4:34pm] sebersole: should i look at that?
[4:34pm] hardy: look at testLengthColumnConstraintApplied
[4:34pm] hardy: if you can
[4:35pm] sebersole: just a lot of info without any direction/request
[4:35pm] hardy: i am getting there
[4:35pm] hardy: my question is SQLStateConverter
[4:36pm] sebersole: so a violation should happen?
[4:36pm] hardy: right
[4:36pm] sebersole: for whcih?
[4:36pm] hardy: SQLStateConverter defines a INTEGRITY_VIOLATION_CATEGORIES set
[4:36pm] hardy: turns out H2 I would have to add "90"
[4:36pm] hardy: for Oracle yet something else
[4:37pm] hardy: same for POstgres
[4:37pm] hardy: is the intend to add codes there?
[4:37pm] hardy: also the javadocs talks about "ErrorCode-based converter"
[4:38pm] sebersole: Interpretation of a SQL error based on SQLState
[4:38pm] sebersole: * is not nearly as accurate as using the ErrorCode (which is,
however, vendor-
[4:38pm] sebersole: * specific). Use of a ErrorCode-based converter should be preferred
[4:38pm] sebersole: * for converting/interpreting SQLExceptions.
[4:38pm] sebersole: yes exactly
[4:38pm] hardy: I cannot find anything like this in the codebase, but I think we used to
have something like this
[4:38pm] sebersole: error codes are vendor specific
[4:38pm] sebersole: thats the problem
[4:38pm] sebersole: sql states are well defined
[4:38pm] hardy: right, I found some documentation about this somewhere
[4:38pm] hardy: but is seems the db vendors don't care about ths
[4:39pm] sebersole: hardy: so here is the choice...
[4:39pm] sebersole: (which we discussed way back when when we made this decision btw)
[4:39pm] sebersole: have built-in support for sql state based conversion
[4:40pm] hardy: i am not saying something is wrong
[4:40pm] hardy: just trying to understand how this is supposed to work
[4:40pm] sebersole: or maintain error-code interpretation for each and every db
[4:40pm] hardy: and whether there is some pluggable error code convter thingy
[4:40pm] sebersole: sure
[4:40pm] sebersole: exception converters are pluggable
[4:41pm] hardy: ahhh
[4:41pm] hardy: how?
[4:41pm] stliu: dialect
[4:41pm] sebersole: couple of ways
[4:41pm] sebersole: yes, one is dialect
[4:41pm] sebersole: pretty sure there is a config setting also
[4:41pm] hardy: Dialect.buildSQLExceptionConverter
[4:42pm] hardy: that's what I was looking for
[4:42pm] hardy: back to the decision you mentioned
[4:42pm] sebersole: btw
[4:42pm] hardy: are we providing/maintaining Dialect specific converters?
[4:42pm] sebersole: we also probably should take into account:
[4:42pm] sebersole: which we dont today
[4:43pm] hardy: you really like your DatabaseMetaData
[4:43pm] sebersole: we simply assume the x/open codes
[4:43pm] hardy: I get the feeling we should use it much more
[4:43pm] sebersole: well, if a vnedor implements it well you can gather lots of useful
[4:43pm] hardy: sure
[4:43pm] sebersole: anyway, like i said, i think we map to the x/open codes
[4:44pm] hardy: and don't maintain db specific converters
[4:44pm] sebersole: but apparently some vendors map to "sql 2003" codes
[4:44pm] hardy: so there is no need for me to create an issue?
[4:44pm] sebersole: do you want to volunteer for that?
[4:44pm] sebersole: i know i dont
[4:44pm] hardy: not really
[4:44pm] hardy: as said, just trying to understand
[4:44pm] sebersole: we actually started down that path at first
[4:45pm] sebersole: another option...
[4:45pm] sebersole: jdbc 4 (jdk 6) defines SQLException hierarchy
[4:45pm] sebersole: we could start leveraging that
[4:45pm] hardy: i don't think I want to start with creating vendor specific
[4:45pm] sebersole: we do nothing with it today
[4:46pm] hardy: but as you say, maybe we can get a little smarter using DatabaseMetaData
or the SQLException hierarchy
[4:46pm] sebersole: for example,
[4:46pm] stliu: sebersole: anyway, let me know if you want me do something on the
jdocbook side, or i will keep working on the failures with trace logging level
[4:46pm] hardy: so maybe the issue is to investigate an alternative sql exception
converter which takes into various metadata
[4:46pm] sebersole: i wonder if the underltying exceptions you see are that type?
[4:46pm] stliu: time to go to sleep
[4:47pm] sebersole: stliu: the later for now
[4:47pm] sebersole: thanks
[4:47pm] stliu: have a nice weekend
[4:47pm] sebersole: thats more important
[4:47pm] sebersole: you too
[4:47pm] sebersole: hardy: right
[4:47pm] sebersole: i think its 2-fold
[4:47pm] hardy: sebersole: yes, for Oracle I get a 23xyz code
[4:47pm] stliu left the chat room.
[4:47pm] sebersole: not talking aBOUT THAt
[4:48pm] sebersole: talking about the exact SQLException type
[4:48pm] sebersole: err, subtype
[4:48pm] sebersole: so, 1) investigate leveraging SQLException hierarchy
[4:49pm] sebersole: and 2) investigate supporting both x/open and sql 2003 defined codes
for sql state
[4:49pm] hardy: ok
[4:49pm] sebersole: hardy: its funny
[4:49pm] hardy: ?
[4:49pm] sebersole: i actually am already pulling that value
[4:50pm] sebersole: so i must have considered this at some point
[4:50pm] hardy: i see
[4:50pm] hardy: i will create a jira. I makes sense to try to improve on this
[4:50pm] sebersole:
[4:50pm] hardy: nice
[4:50pm] sebersole: its an enum
[4:51pm] sebersole: public enum SQLStateType {
[4:51pm] sebersole: XOpen,
[4:51pm] sebersole: SQL99,
[4:51pm] sebersole: UNKOWN
[4:51pm] sebersole: }
[4:51pm] sebersole: though i think SQL99 is incorrect
[4:51pm] hardy: so when you were talking about SQL 2003 you meant SQL99
[4:51pm] sebersole: no ^^
[4:52pm] sebersole: i think i just did it too fast
[4:52pm] sebersole: and wrote SQL99 meaning to write SQL03
[4:52pm] hardy: got you
[4:52pm] sebersole: so in terms of that, there are 2 options
[4:52pm] hardy: you love your options
[4:53pm] sebersole: 1) would be to have a single sqlstate converter that knew all codes
for both sets
[4:53pm] sebersole: 2) have 2 separate ones
[4:53pm] hardy: having two makes sense to me, but that is just an impl detail
[4:53pm] sebersole: just not sure if there is contradiction between them
[4:53pm] sebersole: well its might not be just an "impl detail" though if the 2
have contradicting code sets
[4:54pm] sebersole: like you mentioned the 23 category above
[4:54pm] sebersole: [10:47] <hardy> sebersole: yes, for Oracle I get a 23xyz code
[4:54pm] sebersole: like if one set defines that as a constraint violation while one
defines that as a connection problem, we obviously would have trouble in option (1)
[4:55pm] sebersole: anyway, i can work on that if you need
[4:55pm] hardy: well, even in option 1 you would have to clearly separate between the
different sql state types
[4:55pm] sebersole: just let me know
[4:56pm] hardy: I think it would be very useful to work on this
[4:56pm] sebersole: again, it depends on if there is overlap
[4:56pm] hardy: sounds also like a nice little contained issue I could work on
[4:56pm] sebersole: for me to, or for you to?
[4:56pm] sebersole: ok
[4:56pm] sebersole: now that we expect jdk6, the SQLException subtype handling should get
[4:56pm] hardy: indirectly related to Validator as well, since you would like to get the
right exception
[4:57pm] hardy: sure
[4:57pm] sebersole: that should be the "first line of defense"
[4:57pm] hardy: ok
[4:57pm] sebersole: the assumption being that if there is a specific subtype the vendor
would have hopefully chosen the correct subtype
[4:59pm] sebersole: btw, this is yet another place where that notion of a "jdbc
capabilities" object that merges DatabaseMetaData and Dialect information would be
[5:00pm] hardy: jupp
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