Max Rydahl Andersen commented on HHH-2508:
a related known issue that schemaupdate doesn't take schema into account when finding
Not fixed at the time since it required change to public API and all related id
Missing sequence or table on Oracle
Key: HHH-2508
Project: Hibernate3
Type: Patch
Components: core
Environment: JBoss 4.0.5.GA, Using JBoss SEAM and Oracle 9i, EJB/JPA annotations
Reporter: André Fernandes
Assignee: Steve Ebersole
Here we use a user "project_web" to access a "dbproject" schema.
The problem is, when Hibernate looks for the sequences, it looks in the user_sequences,
but my user (project_web) don't have any sequences.
The solving is: when getting the sequence names (org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect
.getQuerySequencesString) use that:
select SEQUENCE_NAME from all_sequences where SEQUENCE_OWNER='DBPROJECT'
i.e. use the schema to look in the all_sequences.
Sorry for the bad english.
package org.hibernate.dialect;
public class Oracle9Dialect extends Dialect {
public String getQuerySequencesString() {
return "select sequence_name from user_sequences";
@GeneratedValue(generator="sqCoSeqProjeto", strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE)
sequenceName="sq_coseqprojeto", allocationSize=5)
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