Yoann Rodière (
) *created* an issue
Hibernate Search (
) / Improvement (
) HSEARCH-4736 (
) OperationSubmitter to "retry from another thread" (
Issue Type: Improvement Assignee: Unassigned Components: engine, mapper-pojo-base Created:
31/Oct/2022 01:51 AM Fix Versions: 6.2-backlog Priority: Major Reporter: Yoann Rodière (
https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HSEARCH-4700 (
https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HSEARCH-4700 ) introduced customization for what
should happen when submitting an operation to a background processor and the queue of
operation is full, giving the choice between:
* Blocking until the operation can be added to the queue
* Throwing RejectedExecutionException
We could introduce a third option, matching what Infinispan does at the moment: offload
the submitting of the operation to another another theadpool that is allowed to block.
That’s a middle-ground between blocking and failing: we won’t fail, but we won’t block in
the current thread either. Might be useful for operations that are not time-critical and
not expected to be executed in high volume, such as getting the size of the index.
E.g. we’d change the OperationSubmitter API and also add something like this:
static OperationSubmitter offload(Consumer< Runnable > executor) {
return new OperationSubmitter() {
public <T> void submitToQueue(BlockingQueue<T> queue, T element,
Function<T, Runnable > blockingRetryProducer) throws InterruptedException {
if ( !queue.offer( element ) ) {
executor.accept( blockingRetryProducer.apply( element ) );
Users (Infinispan) would do something like this:
OperationSubmitter offloadSubmitter = OperationSubmitter.offload(myExecutor::submit);
While our batching executor would do something like this:
operationSubmitter.submitToQueue(workQueue, work, blockingRetry);
We’d have to be careful how we implement the blockingRetryProducer , however: it should
not just re-submit the element to the queue, but should also re-acquire all relevant
locks. In AbstractWorkOrchestrator for example, it would need to re-acquire the
lifecycleLock. Basically blockingRetryProducer = work -> orchestrator.submit(work,
OperationSubmitter.BLOCKING) as shown above. That means blockingRetryProducer would need
to be a parameter of BatchingExecutor#submit , whose value is set in the (calling)
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