Khurelkhuyag M. (
) *commented* on HHH-11275 (
Re: Support SUBSELECT or SELECT FetchMode on @FetchProfile (
As a workaround, In the previous project, I decided to map multiple entities to a single
table. In this way, I can choose what attributes are eagerly loaded.
For listing purposes, I can use OrderSummary `. Because the list usually doesn’t require
much. But on the detailed page, I can use OrderDetailed ` It will load attributes via
additional select.
@Table(name = "order" )
class OrderSummary {
private Long id;
private BigDecimal total;
@Table(name = "order" )
class OrderDetailed {
private Long id;
private BigDecimal total;
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<OrderItem> items;
@OrderBy( "createdAt DESC" )
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<OrderHistoryRecord> history;
I know I could load attributes via Hibernate.initialize(). But initialization is better to
happen at the persistence layer.
I don’t understand why no one is interested that configuration controlled sub select
fetching is can be useful.
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