Keycloak Modules developed for the Cloudtrust project
by Doswald Alistair
I just wanted to let this mailing list know that for the Cloudtrust project (, we have developed a certain number modules for Keycloak. These are currently compatible with the version 3.4.3.Final of Keycloak, but we will make them compatible with Keycloak 4.X (where X will be the latest sub-version of Keycloak when we start working on this) as soon as we can. These modules are:
* keycloak-wsfed ( an …
[View More]implementation of the WS-Federation protocol for keycloak. This allows to select the WS-Federation protocol for Keycloak clients and for identity brokers.
* keycloak-authorization ( this module allows the use of the client authorization system to prevent a user which is authenticated in a Keycloak realm to access a given client. It works no matter which protocol is used, and without the client having to support any extra protocol. Note: this solution is a bit hacky, but necessary for one of our use-cases.
* keycloak-client-mappers ( a module for adding any mappers that we might need that are not yet part of Keycloak. Currently only contains a JavaScript mapper for SAML, analogous to the OIDC script mapper. I've noticed that there's an open issue for this feature ( If desirable I could submit this code not as a module but a solution to the issue.
* keycloak-export ( a module adding an endpoint to fully export a realm while Keycloak is still running (no need for restarts!).
PS: I'm mailing this both dev and user mailing lists as I believe it may interest members of both mailing lists
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6 years, 3 months
How to get access access token with SPNEGOAuthenticator?
by ola rob
For some legacy reasons, we are using keycloak API/services for
authentication but not redirecting our application to keycloak. We are able
to get access token and refresh token (AccessTokenResponse.class) when we
authenticate using login API by sending username and password. But we are
unable to get them when authenticating using spnego token.
The SPNEGOAuthenticator class doesn't return any access token after
successful authentication. We need these tokens to manage our application
[View More]session internally. So, how can we get access and refresh token or response
similar to username password authentication?
SPNEGOAuthenticator spnegoAuthenticator = new
SPNEGOAuthenticator(kerberosConfig, kerberosAuth, spnegoToken);
if (spnegoAuthenticator.isAuthenticated()) {
String username = spnegoAuthenticator.getAuthenticatedUsername(); //
returning the username correctly.
Thanks in advance!
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6 years, 3 months
StackOverflowError when listing federated identities
by Wyllys Ingersoll
Using Keycloak 4.6.0.Final, when I query for all users in a realm which is
federated to an AD domain (only about 25 users in the domain), it pretty
consistently throws exceptions (see below).
Oddly enough, if I add the parameter "briefRepresentation=true", the list
is returned successfully. I can query for individual users just fine
(brief or full).
This was not an issue in 4.5.0, Im only seeing now that I upgraded to 4.6.0.
Possibly a memory issue, but its hard to tell.
Any ideas?
[View More] Wyllys Ingersoll
21:32:11,324 ERROR []
(default task-112) Uncaught server error: java.lang.StackOverflowError
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor378.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy92.find(Unknown Source)
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6 years, 3 months
group federation?
by Wyllys Ingersoll
We have a realm configured to get federated users from our Active Directory
domain server. Is there a way to also get the list of federated group
information for each user (i.e. include the AD groups that the AD user is a
member of in the federated user information) ?
6 years, 3 months
NotSerializableException: org.keycloak.adapters.elytron.ElytronAccount
by Andrew Murphy
I've installed the adapter in
a clean version of WildFly Full 14.0.1.Final, running on Windows 8.1. The
keycloak server is running on a separate port.
When I configure the adapter subsystem (server not running) with the newer
Elytron adapter using
> cd bin
> jboss-cli.bat --file=adapter-elytron-install-offline.cli -Dserver.config=standalone-full.xml
and thereafter attempt to sign into a basic war application I get the
keycloak login page, …
[View More]followed by an error page once credentials are posted.
The server.log reports the following (abbreviated) error stacktrace
2018-11-21 20:17:37,654 ERROR [io.undertow.request] (default task-1)
UT005023: Exception handling request to /curo-crm/:
Caused by: org.infinispan.commons.marshall.NotSerializableException:
Now, if I configure the adapter subsystem with the legacy non-Elytron
adapter on WildFly using
> cd bin
> jboss-cli.bat --file=adapter-install-offline.cli -Dserver.config=standalone-full.xml
everything works without errors i.e. I can access the protected web app on
login success.
Question 1: Have I missed something in the server configuration that is
causing the NotSerializableException?
Question 2: The keycloak config documentation recommends the use of the
newer Elytron adapter over the legacy non-Elytron adapter, but gives no
reasoning. Are there drawbacks to using the legacy version?
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6 years, 3 months
Login after registration fails when other user was logged in before
by Rainer-Harbach Marian
we encountered a problem in a special use case (Keycloak 4.5.0.Final):
We'd like to display a registration button in our application even when
a user (user1) is logged in.
Directly calling the registration form seems to be supported according
However, the login after the registration (of user2) fails when user1
was logged in before.
The problem can be reproduced by following these steps:
1. Log user1 into the …
[View More]account app
2. Open the registration form at https://<host>/auth/realms/<realm>/protocol/openid-connect/registrations?client_id=account&response_type=code&scope=openid+email&redirect_uri=<url_to_account_app>
3. Register user2
4. After registration, this message is shown: "We're sorry...
You are already authenticated as different user <user1> in this
session. Please logout first."
The message contains a link "Back to Application".
However, user1 is not logged in anymore and the link "Back to
Application" leads to the login form.
This situation is not straightforward for a user to resolve: user1 has
to log in again, then log out, and only then is user2 able to log in.
The reason appears to be that opening the registration form in step 2
deletes the cookies KEYCLOAK_IDENTITY and KEYCLOAK_SESSION. However,
the cookie AUTH_SESSION_ID remains unchanged.
To me it seems that opening the registration form should cause a new
AUTH_SESSION_ID to be generated (beside KEYCLOAK_IDENTITY and
KEYCLOAK_SESSION being cleared).
I'd appreciate any thoughts on that!
Best regards,
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6 years, 3 months
How to retrieve user ID from Keycloak to my web app
by Kunal Kumar
Before, my web app is has its own login form to authenticate users.
But since I have connected my web app to Keycloak to authenticate the users
now, my web app does not need to have the login form anymore, hence I need
to remove it.
This was roughly how I retrieved the users information before Keycloak:-
if (chkLogin(getUserID(), getUserPwd())) {
MaintainUser mu = new MaintainUser();
this.usrInfo = null;
String[] usr = mu.validatePassword(getUserID(), …
[View More]getUserPwd()); }
This is not the full coding, but basically I use the getUserID method to
retrieve the users info and check it for authentication before. How do I
perform this if I want to retrieve the user ID from the Keycloak admin
Kunal Kumar
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6 years, 3 months
Temporary support for current sign-in flow
by Craig Setera
As everyone is probably painfully aware from all of my questions, we are in
the midst of replacing our proprietary login flow with a Keycloak
OpenID-based flow. The eventual goal is to use the standard Keycloak login
pages to allow for extra factors of authentication such as Google
One option that we've allowed until now is for customers to host custom
login HTML forms (just username and password) on their sites. This is
something that we are (most likely) going to remove …
[View More]support for in the long
run, but in the short term, I think we are going to need to support this if
only to allow for a transition period. The login flow is:
Customer Site (HTML form) ->
Login Handler (JEE Session) ->
Redirect browser to SPA along with JSESSIONID
All API calls use JEE sessions for "authentication". What I'm hoping to do
somehow in the short term is:
Customer Site (HTML form) ->
Login Handler ->
Keycloak ->
Redirect browser to SPA with OAuth codes/tokens
What is the best/correct way to do something like this? Should I be using
the authorization code grant in this case?
Thanks for any insights.
*Craig Setera*
*Chief Technology Officer*
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6 years, 3 months
LDAP role mapper loses client on client renaming
by Peemöller, Björn
Hi all,
in our Keycloak installation we have connected Keycloak to an internal AD using user federation and configured a role-ldap-mapper as described in .
We now discovered that if we rename a client, than the associated LDAP mapper loses the connection to the client, as it stores only the client name but not its internal id in the mapper configuration.
Currently, we therefore need to reconfigure all associated …
[View More]mappers once we rename a client.
Is it possible to avoid this problem (or wouldn't it be even better to store the internal UUID)?
Kind regards,
Björn Peemöller
IT & IT Operations
Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co. KG
Neuer Jungfernstieg 20
20354 Hamburg
Telefon +49 40 350 60-8548
Telefax +49 40 350 60-900
E-Mail bjoern.peemoeller(a)<><>
Sitz: Hamburg - Amtsgericht Hamburg HRA 42659
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6 years, 3 months