Hi Stian,
Thanks for the swift reply. I have put some comments inline. Is there any
example , tutorial towards what I would like to achieve meaning building on
top of keycloak.
Best Regards,
On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 8:16 AM Stian Thorgersen <sthorger(a)redhat.com>
On 23 October 2015 at 09:59, Joseph Djomeda
<joseph(a)djomeda.com> wrote:
> Hi Community,
> Thanks for all the amazing features list I have read about this product
> and that is truly exciting.Kudos for pulling down all that. I am new to the
> world of SSO and so on but I am doing my home work catching up.
> I have a problem and I am wondering whether keycloak is the solution. We
> have 5 different applications each using etiher apache shiro or spring
> security for authentication. Those using shiro have different hashing
> algorithm and different number of iterations. We are about to launch new
> products each with their own authentication so we were like why not go
> google model.
> here are few questions I would like to ask those of you actively using
> keycloak.
> - Can I build an application with keycloak embedded in it where
> keycloak provides identity based on some logic that we will put in the
> parent application. Logic like how to merge all products mentioned earlier?
> Depends - what is your application deployed to? Keycloak is meant to be a
standalone service, but can be deployed to WildFly alongside JavaEE apps.
It's going to basically be a java webapp deployed into tomcat or jetty but
can try wildfly.
> - Supposing no work is needed and everything I mentioned is
> can keycloak allow relooking/branding of UI such a way it's inline with
> most of UI directions we have for all our existing products?
> Yes, we have theme support that lets you modify the l&f of all pages
> - Can I use keycloak to not only provide SSO for our own applications
> but also make that keycloak become and ID provider (likes of openID etc )
> for other applicaitons that we don't own?
> Yes, not OpenID though. We support OpenID Connect and SAML v2.
> Thanks for reading my questions and I hope I will be able to learn from
> all of you
> Best Regards,
> --
> Joseph Kodjo-Kuma Djomeda
> check out my pains at :
> We become what we think about ourselves........
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Joseph Kodjo-Kuma Djomeda
check out my pains at :
We become what we think about ourselves........