That depends on what error page you are referring to.
As long as the URL of the error page includes the realm it will use the
login theme for that realm. Otherwise it will fallback to the login theme
of the master realm.
You can try this out by creating a new realm called test. Use the base
theme for this. Afterwards open:
That should use the Keycloak them. Then open:
That will use the base theme.
On Wed, 27 Jun 2018 at 14:57, Neujahr, Jana <Jana.Neujahr(a)> wrote:
Dear Keycloak users,
my task is to style the custom keycloak theme. But I found some strange
behavior for which cannot find a solution. I'm using Keycloak 4 beta. For
the error pages ("We're sorry..." "Page not found"...) Keycloak
always uses
the base/keycloak theme, not my custom one...
These are the steps I tried:
· In the Admin Console, I added custom theme to all possible areas
(Login, Account...)
· added error.ftl, info.ftl and others to the custom theme in folder
· ensured that "template.ftl" from the same folder is used in all
these FTLs: <#import "template.ftl" as layout>
· created an own login.css with specific overwriting styles (which
is already used in login´pages successfully)
· added login.css to
lib/zocial/zocial.css css/login.css
But in the error page always the base/keycloak css is used. I ensured that
with altering the base css -> then it worked with the error page.
What to do to make Keycloak take my custom theme for errors?
I'd appreciate any help!
Kindly yours
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