On 18/07/17 22:07, Steven Mirabito wrote:
I have Keycloak configured to check passwords against an MIT Kerberos
server in my user federation source, and that works fine. I then set the
Kerberos authentication type to "alternative" - most of our users will be
coming in from personal devices where they'll just log in via the form, but
we do have a shared machine where this would be nice to have. However, I
started receiving complaints that when this option is enabled, any browser
under Windows will show a basic auth dialog which the user has to cancel
out of to reach the login page (other platforms show a blank "Kerberos
Unsupported" page and then redirect to the normal login page without a
dialog). To make matters worse, I can't seem to turn the option off now -
switching the Kerberos auth type to "disabled" will work for a little bit,
but after a short period of time it will turn itself back on and users will
start to see the basic auth dialog again.
Are these known issues? Ideally, I'd like to be able to have the Kerberos
auth type enabled, but a solution to keep it disabled in the meantime would
be greatly appreciated as well.
For the first question, I don't know how to
disable the basic auth
prompt TBH. I didn't tested on Windows. Are all the browsers like IE,
Firefox, Chrome behave like this or just IE?
Maybe there is some switch in Windows domain or in browser to disable
those prompts. Checked some sites, but not sure what is relevant:
. Other option is to change authentication flow and replace
SpnegoAuthenticator with custom one, which will return header 400
instead of 401 . See this
. However not sure if automatic kerberos/spnego authentication will
still work in case that user has kerberos ticket, I guess likely not :/
For the second question, Kerberos authenticator is switched to
ALTERNATIVE when you create or edit Kerberos federation provider or LDAP
provider with Kerberos switched ON. So if you disable Kerberos on your
LDAP storage provider or remove Kerberos provider, it won't change from
Thank you!
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