integration with Apiary.io service is back and working again.
This means the REST API doc is again in apiary.apib file (found in the project source code
root) and whenever this file is modified and committed into git repo a respective docs
(and mock servers) at
is updated automatically.
File apiary.apib.noop has been removed as it is no longer needed.
Lukas Vlcek
I put the
http://docs.jbossorg.apiary.io/ content back.
The integration with GitHub is still broken. Apiary.io support has been very
supportive about this but so far it seems the problem is somewhere deep in
GitHub APIs (GitHub support has been notified about this). Hopefully, the
sync issue will be fixed soon.
In the meantime I propose the following.
- Let's keep the API docs in apiary.apib.noop file in the root of the
Searchisko repo
- Once the sync will be fixed I will rename the file back to apiary.apib
- I will sync every change to apiary.apib.noop file to
http://docs.jbossorg.apiary.io/ manually for now (this will allow us to keep
track of changes to docs). In other words, what is in repo is the master of
the docs
- If you want to update the API docs, please do so in the Git repo (modify
apiary.apib.noop), send PR and let me know. I will handle the rest.
Lukas Vlcek
jboss.org Development Team
----- Original Message -----
> Hi,
> FYI, integration with Apiary.io is broken now. As a result you can find
> dummy
> API at
> I am in contact with Apiary.io support team and they are working on fix.
> Hopefully, this will be fixed quite soon.
> Regards,
> Lukas Vlcek
jboss.org Development Team
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