Searchisko meeting on Thursday
by Jason Porter
Thursday at 13:00 UTC we're going to be talking about searchisko in the jboss-developer freenode irc channel. A meeting invite should have gone out to those needed, of course anyone is invited to listen to the meeting.
11 years
Re: [searchisko-dev] Access to the elasticsearch service itself?
by Pete Muir
Adding the list anyway :-)
On 15 Aug 2013, at 19:31, Jason Porter <jporter(a)> wrote:
> Hi all, I'd originally sent this to Lukas, but if any of you have suggestions, I'm certainly open to them. Also, are we all on the searchisko mailing list?
> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: "Jason Porter" <jporter(a)>
> To: "Lukas Vlcek" <lvlcek(a)>
> Cc: "Pete Muir" <pmuir(a)>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 2:57:47 PM
> Subject: Access to the elasticsearch service itself?
> While playing around with the Search API for the DCP, I came across some ruby (and other langs) clients for elasticsearch itself. This actually started when I was trying to get a list of contributors, maybe I'm going about this wrong but it doesn't seem to be giving me what I'm looking for:
> # Contributor search
> response = conn.get do |req|
> req.url '/v1/rest/search',
> {
> :dcp_type => 'contributor',
> #:type => 'sys_contributors',
> :query => 'Proctor'
> }
> end
> If I send the 'type' param, then I get an exception back from the server (I'm using I'm receiving 1513 results back from the server, I would expect to receive one, maybe as many as 10, but I don't think we have many contributors with a name of Proctor. If we are able to use one of the other elasticsearch clients (not for indexing, just searching) something like this may be easier.
11 years