[kbabo] [SWITCHYARD-1671] - Added support for imports in WSDLUtil.getFeature method
[...truncated 11570 lines...]
INFO - ContextHandler.startContext(647) | started o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler{,null}
INFO - AbstractLoggingInterceptor.log(234) | Inbound Message
ID: 2
Encoding: UTF-8
Http-Method: POST
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
Headers: {connection=[keep-alive], Content-Length=[332], content-type=[text/xml;
charset=UTF-8], Host=[localhost:18001], User-Agent=[Apache-HttpClient/4.2.1 (java 1.5)]}
Payload: <soapenv:Envelope
INFO - WatchDog.check(133) | [Endpoint files for {DeploymentUnit
test-classes_loan_approval-0}] updated
INFO - AbstractLoggingInterceptor.log(234) | Outbound Message
ID: 2
Encoding: UTF-8
Content-Type: text/xml
Headers: {}
Payload: <SOAP-ENV:Envelope
INFO - CXFJettyEndpoint.stop(120) | Stopping WebService at
INFO - ContextHandler.doStop(698) | stopped o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler{,null}
INFO - InboundHandler.doStop(161) | WebService
{}loanService:loanService_Port stopped.
INFO - BpelServerImpl.unregister(374) | Unregistered process
INFO - BpelServerImpl.deleteProcessDAO(438) | Deleted only the process
INFO - CronScheduler.cancelProcessCronJobs(116) | Cancelled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - ProcessStoreImpl.undeploy(380) | Process
{}SayHello-0 has been undeployed.
INFO - BpelServerImpl.unregister(374) | Unregistered process
INFO - BpelServerImpl.deleteProcessDAO(438) | Deleted only the process
INFO - CronScheduler.cancelProcessCronJobs(116) | Cancelled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - ProcessStoreImpl.undeploy(380) | Process
{}loanApprovalProcess-0 has been undeployed.
INFO - BpelServerImpl.unregister(374) | Unregistered process
INFO - BpelServerImpl.deleteProcessDAO(438) | Deleted only the process
INFO - CronScheduler.cancelProcessCronJobs(116) | Cancelled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - ProcessStoreImpl.undeploy(380) | Process
{}riskAssessmentProcess-0 has been
INFO - DefaultCamelContext.doStop(1557) | Apache Camel 2.10.0 (CamelContext: camel-2) is
shutting down
INFO - DefaultShutdownStrategy.doShutdown(165) | Starting to graceful shutdown 2 routes
(timeout 30 seconds)
INFO - DefaultShutdownStrategy$ | Route:
direct:{urn:bpel:test:1.0}loanService shutdown complete, was consuming from:
INFO - DefaultShutdownStrategy$ | Route:
direct:{urn:bpel:test:1.0}loanService/riskAssessor shutdown complete, was consuming from:
INFO - DefaultShutdownStrategy.doShutdown(213) | Graceful shutdown of 2 routes completed
in 0 seconds
INFO - BaseTypeConverterRegistry.doStop(522) | TypeConverterRegistry
utilization[attempts=2, hits=2, misses=0, failures=0] mappings[total=185, misses=0]
INFO - DefaultCamelContext.doStop(1616) | Apache Camel 2.10.0 (CamelContext: camel-2) is
shutdown in 0.046 seconds. Uptime 5.264 seconds.
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 56.149 sec
Running org.switchyard.component.bpel.riftsaw.BPELSayHelloTest
INFO - WeldBootstrap.startContainer(244) | WELD-000101 Transactional services not
available. Injection of @Inject UserTransaction not available. Transactional observers
will be invoked synchronously.
INFO - ManagementStrategyFactory.create(43) | JMX enabled.
INFO - DefaultCamelContext.start(1381) | Apache Camel 2.10.0 (CamelContext: camel-3) is
INFO - DefaultManagementLifecycleStrategy.doStart(849) | StatisticsLevel at All so
enabling load performance statistics
INFO - DefaultTypeConverter.doStart(45) | Loaded 185 type converters
INFO - DefaultCamelContext.start(1416) | Total 0 routes, of which 0 is started.
INFO - DefaultCamelContext.start(1417) | Apache Camel 2.10.0 (CamelContext: camel-3)
started in 0.225 seconds
Retrieving document at
INFO - ProcessStoreImpl.deploy(184) | Starting deployment of processes from directory
INFO - BpelC.logCompilationMessage(353) | info: [CompilingProcess] Compiling BPEL
INFO - ProcessStoreImpl.deploy(260) | Process
{}SayHello-0 deployed from
INFO - CronScheduler.cancelProcessCronJobs(116) | Cancelled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - CronScheduler.scheduleProcessCronJobs(172) | Scheduled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - BpelServerImpl.register(334) | Registered process
INFO - CronScheduler.cancelProcessCronJobs(116) | Cancelled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - CronScheduler.scheduleProcessCronJobs(172) | Scheduled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - ProcessStoreImpl.deploy(184) | Starting deployment of processes from directory
INFO - BpelC.logCompilationMessage(353) | info: [CompilingProcess] Compiling BPEL
INFO - ProcessStoreImpl.deploy(260) | Process
{}loanApprovalProcess-0 deployed from
INFO - CronScheduler.cancelProcessCronJobs(116) | Cancelled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - CronScheduler.scheduleProcessCronJobs(172) | Scheduled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - BpelServerImpl.register(334) | Registered process
INFO - CronScheduler.cancelProcessCronJobs(116) | Cancelled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - CronScheduler.scheduleProcessCronJobs(172) | Scheduled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - ProcessStoreImpl.deploy(184) | Starting deployment of processes from directory
INFO - BpelC.logCompilationMessage(353) | info: [CompilingProcess] Compiling BPEL
INFO - ProcessStoreImpl.deploy(260) | Process
{}riskAssessmentProcess-0 deployed from
INFO - CronScheduler.cancelProcessCronJobs(116) | Cancelled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - CronScheduler.scheduleProcessCronJobs(172) | Scheduled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - BpelServerImpl.register(334) | Registered process
INFO - CronScheduler.cancelProcessCronJobs(116) | Cancelled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - CronScheduler.scheduleProcessCronJobs(172) | Scheduled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - DefaultCamelContext.doStartOrResumeRouteConsumers(2015) | Route:
direct:{urn:bpel:test:1.0}SayHelloService started and consuming from:
INFO - CXFJettyEndpoint.<init>(84) | MTOM [enabled = false, threshold = 0]
INFO - CXFJettyEndpoint.publish(110) | Publishing WebService at
INFO - ReflectionServiceFactoryBean.buildServiceFromWSDL(399) | Creating Service
{}SayHelloService from WSDL:
WARN - JaxWsServiceFactoryBean.initializeWSDLOperationsForProvider(316) | Could not find
endpoint named {}BaseWebServicePort.
Possible values are [{}SayHelloPort].
WARN - AbstractWSDLBasedEndpointFactory.createEndpoint(137) | Could not find endpoint/port
for {}BaseWebServicePort in wsdl. Using
INFO - ServerImpl.initDestination(94) | Setting the server's publish address to be
INFO - ContextHandler.startContext(647) | started o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler{,null}
INFO - AbstractLoggingInterceptor.log(234) | Inbound Message
ID: 3
Encoding: UTF-8
Http-Method: POST
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
Headers: {connection=[keep-alive], Content-Length=[286], content-type=[text/xml;
charset=UTF-8], Host=[localhost:18001], User-Agent=[Apache-HttpClient/4.2.1 (java 1.5)]}
Payload: <soapenv:Envelope
INFO - WatchDog.check(133) | [Endpoint files for {DeploymentUnit test-classes_SayHello-0}]
INFO - AbstractLoggingInterceptor.log(234) | Outbound Message
ID: 3
Encoding: UTF-8
Content-Type: text/xml
Headers: {}
Payload: <SOAP-ENV:Envelope
INFO - CXFJettyEndpoint.stop(120) | Stopping WebService at
INFO - ContextHandler.doStop(698) | stopped o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler{,null}
INFO - InboundHandler.doStop(161) | WebService
{}SayHelloService:SayHelloPort stopped.
INFO - BpelServerImpl.unregister(374) | Unregistered process
INFO - BpelServerImpl.deleteProcessDAO(438) | Deleted only the process
INFO - CronScheduler.cancelProcessCronJobs(116) | Cancelled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - ProcessStoreImpl.undeploy(380) | Process
{}SayHello-0 has been undeployed.
INFO - BpelServerImpl.unregister(374) | Unregistered process
INFO - BpelServerImpl.deleteProcessDAO(438) | Deleted only the process
INFO - CronScheduler.cancelProcessCronJobs(116) | Cancelled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - ProcessStoreImpl.undeploy(380) | Process
{}loanApprovalProcess-0 has been undeployed.
INFO - BpelServerImpl.unregister(374) | Unregistered process
INFO - BpelServerImpl.deleteProcessDAO(438) | Deleted only the process
INFO - CronScheduler.cancelProcessCronJobs(116) | Cancelled PROCESS CRON jobs for:
INFO - ProcessStoreImpl.undeploy(380) | Process
{}riskAssessmentProcess-0 has been
INFO - DefaultCamelContext.doStop(1557) | Apache Camel 2.10.0 (CamelContext: camel-3) is
shutting down
INFO - DefaultShutdownStrategy.doShutdown(165) | Starting to graceful shutdown 1 routes
(timeout 30 seconds)
INFO - DefaultShutdownStrategy$ | Route:
direct:{urn:bpel:test:1.0}SayHelloService shutdown complete, was consuming from:
INFO - DefaultShutdownStrategy.doShutdown(213) | Graceful shutdown of 1 routes completed
in 0 seconds
INFO - BaseTypeConverterRegistry.doStop(522) | TypeConverterRegistry
utilization[attempts=1, hits=1, misses=0, failures=0] mappings[total=185, misses=0]
INFO - DefaultCamelContext.doStop(1616) | Apache Camel 2.10.0 (CamelContext: camel-3) is
shutdown in 0.036 seconds. Uptime 2.553 seconds.
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.677 sec
Running org.switchyard.component.bpel.riftsaw.WSDLHelperTest
Retrieving document at
Retrieving document at
Retrieving document at
Retrieving document at
Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.104 sec
Results :
Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.3.1:jar (default-jar) @ switchyard-component-bpel ---
[INFO] Building jar:
[INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:2.1.1:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @
switchyard-component-bpel ---
[INFO] Building jar:
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @
switchyard-component-bpel ---
[INFO] Installing
[INFO] Installing
[INFO] Installing
[INFO] --- maven-checkstyle-plugin:2.8:checkstyle (default-cli) @
switchyard-component-bpel ---
[WARNING] Unable to locate Source XRef to link to - DISABLED
[INFO] --- findbugs-maven-plugin:2.3.2:findbugs (default-cli) @ switchyard-component-bpel
[INFO] ****** FindBugsMojo execute *******
[INFO] canGenerate is true
[INFO] ****** FindBugsMojo executeFindbugs *******
[INFO] Temp File is
[INFO] Fork Value is true
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] SwitchYard: Components ............................ SUCCESS [57.070s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Common Component Libraries Parent ..... SUCCESS [0.982s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Common Component Library .............. SUCCESS [52.005s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Component Test Parent ................. SUCCESS [0.676s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Naming Test MixIn ..................... SUCCESS [21.634s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: CDI Test MixIn ........................ SUCCESS [31.784s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Bean Component ........................ SUCCESS [3:14.072s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component Common Library ........ SUCCESS [1:17.352s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Knowledge Common Component Library .... SUCCESS [55.981s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: AMQP MixIn ............................ SUCCESS [42.726s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: ActiveMQ Test MixIn ................... SUCCESS [31.646s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: HornetQ Test MixIn .................... SUCCESS [35.947s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: HTTP Test MixIn ....................... SUCCESS [37.432s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: JCA Test MixIn ........................ SUCCESS [59.315s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Smooks Test MixIn ..................... SUCCESS [21.148s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA Component ......................... SUCCESS [43.549s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Rules Component ....................... SUCCESS [1:13.381s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: BPM Component ......................... SUCCESS [1:46.769s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: RESTEasy Component .................... SUCCESS [1:17.108s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SOAP Component ........................ SUCCESS [1:58.821s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: BPEL Component ........................ FAILURE [1:21.047s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Component Camel Parent ................ SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component :: Camel Component .... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component :: Binding Test framework SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component :: Core Binding ....... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component :: SwitchYard component SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component :: JMS Binding ........ SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component :: AMQP Binding ....... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component :: Atom Binding ....... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component :: File Binding ....... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component :: FTP Binding ........ SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component :: JPA Binding ........ SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component :: Mail Binding ....... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component :: Netty Binding ...... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component :: Quartz Binding ..... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component :: SQL Binding ........ SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Clojure Component ..................... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: HTTP Component ........................ SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: JCA Component ......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Components Forge Plugin ............... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Bean Component Forge Plugin ........... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Component Common Forge Plugin ......... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component Forge Plugin .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Clojure Component Forge Plugin ........ SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: SOAP Gateway Forge Plugin ............. SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: RESTEasy Gateway Forge Plugin ......... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Rules Component Forge Plugin .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: BPM Component Forge Plugin ............ SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: HTTP Gateway Forge Plugin ............. SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: JCA Gateway Forge Plugin .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA Gateway Forge Plugin .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Component Integration Tests ........... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 20:35.018s
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Sep 09 21:23:23 EDT 2013
[INFO] Final Memory: 218M/621M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Could not find resource 'findbugs/findbugs-exclude.xml'. -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the
following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
[CHECKSTYLE] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
[FINDBUGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE