See <>
[daniel.bevenius] SWITCHYARD-634 "Camel endpoint for reference binding is not
destroyed after application undeployment"
[...truncated 2090 lines...]
Feb 9, 2012 9:06:04 PM org.hornetq.core.logging.impl.JULLogDelegate info
INFO: HornetQ Server version 2.2.7.Final (HQ_2_2_7_FINAL_AS7, 121)
[c9915609-538b-11e1-9d3e-000c29099f34] started
21:06:05,099 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext: camel-26)
is starting
21:06:05,100 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] JMX is disabled. Using
21:06:05,101 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 3 packages with 14
@Converter classes to load
21:06:05,112 INFO [converter.DefaultTypeConverter] Loaded 153 core type converters (total
153 type converters)
21:06:05,114 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Loaded 1 @Converter classes
21:06:05,219 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 1 packages with 3
@Converter classes to load
21:06:05,220 INFO [converter.DefaultTypeConverter] Loaded additional 16 type converters
(total 169 type converters) in 0.107 seconds
21:06:05,221 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Total 0 routes, of which 0 is started.
21:06:05,221 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext: camel-26)
started in 0.123 seconds
21:06:05,419 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Route:
started and consuming from:
21:06:08,734 INFO [impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy] Starting to graceful shutdown 1 routes
(timeout 300 seconds)
21:06:09,703 INFO [impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy] Route:
shutdown complete, was consuming from:
21:06:09,703 INFO [impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy] Graceful shutdown of 1 routes completed
in 0 seconds
21:06:09,703 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Route:
stopped, was consuming from:
21:06:09,703 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Route:
shutdown and removed, was consuming from:
Feb 9, 2012 9:06:09 PM org.hornetq.core.logging.impl.JULLogDelegate info
INFO: HornetQ Server version 2.2.7.Final (HQ_2_2_7_FINAL_AS7, 121)
[c9915609-538b-11e1-9d3e-000c29099f34] stopped
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed: 5.961 sec <<<
21:06:10,031 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 3 packages with 14
@Converter classes to load
21:06:10,037 INFO [converter.DefaultTypeConverter] Loaded 153 core type converters (total
153 type converters)
21:06:10,051 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Loaded 1 @Converter classes
21:06:10,172 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 1 packages with 3
@Converter classes to load
21:06:10,173 INFO [converter.DefaultTypeConverter] Loaded additional 16 type converters
(total 169 type converters) in 0.136 seconds
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.425 sec
Running org.switchyard.component.camel.deploy.CamelReferenceTest
21:06:10,301 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:10,306 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:10,311 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:10,316 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:10,319 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:10,325 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:10,330 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:10,335 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element
21:06:10,339 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element
21:06:10,343 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'sd:switchyard'.
21:06:10,345 INFO [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-000101 Transactional services not available.
Injection of @Inject UserTransaction not available. Transactional observers will be
invoked synchronously.
21:06:10,408 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext: camel-28)
is starting
21:06:10,409 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] JMX is disabled. Using
21:06:10,410 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 3 packages with 14
@Converter classes to load
21:06:10,415 INFO [converter.DefaultTypeConverter] Loaded 153 core type converters (total
153 type converters)
21:06:10,418 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Loaded 1 @Converter classes
21:06:10,524 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 1 packages with 3
@Converter classes to load
21:06:10,526 INFO [converter.DefaultTypeConverter] Loaded additional 16 type converters
(total 169 type converters) in 0.110 seconds
21:06:10,527 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Total 0 routes, of which 0 is started.
21:06:10,528 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext: camel-28)
started in 0.120 seconds
21:06:10,593 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Route: route8 started and consuming from:
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.432 sec
Running org.switchyard.component.camel.config.model.timer.v1.V1CamelTimerBindingModelTest
21:06:10,939 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 3 packages with 14
@Converter classes to load
21:06:10,945 INFO [converter.DefaultTypeConverter] Loaded 153 core type converters (total
153 type converters)
21:06:10,947 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Loaded 1 @Converter classes
21:06:11,055 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 1 packages with 3
@Converter classes to load
21:06:11,057 INFO [converter.DefaultTypeConverter] Loaded additional 16 type converters
(total 169 type converters) in 0.112 seconds
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.452 sec
Running org.switchyard.component.camel.SwitchyardComponentTest
21:06:11,076 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:11,081 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:11,086 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:11,090 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:11,095 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:11,100 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:11,104 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:11,109 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element
21:06:11,113 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element
21:06:11,117 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'sd:switchyard'.
21:06:11,118 INFO [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-000101 Transactional services not available.
Injection of @Inject UserTransaction not available. Transactional observers will be
invoked synchronously.
21:06:11,183 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext: camel-30)
is starting
21:06:11,184 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] JMX is disabled. Using
21:06:11,185 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 3 packages with 14
@Converter classes to load
21:06:11,190 INFO [converter.DefaultTypeConverter] Loaded 153 core type converters (total
153 type converters)
21:06:11,193 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Loaded 1 @Converter classes
21:06:11,301 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 1 packages with 3
@Converter classes to load
21:06:11,304 INFO [converter.DefaultTypeConverter] Loaded additional 16 type converters
(total 169 type converters) in 0.113 seconds
21:06:11,305 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Total 0 routes, of which 0 is started.
21:06:11,305 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext: camel-30)
started in 0.122 seconds
21:06:11,352 INFO [camel.SwitchyardComponentTest]
21:06:11,353 INFO [camel.SwitchyardComponentTest] Testing:
21:06:11,354 INFO [camel.SwitchyardComponentTest]
21:06:11,357 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext: camel-31)
is starting
21:06:11,357 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Debugger: DefaultDebugger is enabled on
CamelContext: camel-31
21:06:11,357 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] JMX is disabled. Using
21:06:11,359 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 3 packages with 14
@Converter classes to load
21:06:11,364 INFO [converter.LazyLoadingTypeConverter] Loaded 153 core type converters
(total 153 type converters)
21:06:11,375 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Route: route9 started and consuming from:
21:06:11,376 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Total 1 routes, of which 1 is started.
21:06:11,377 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext: camel-31)
started in 0.020 seconds
21:06:11,380 INFO [camel.SwitchyardComponentTest]
21:06:11,380 INFO [camel.SwitchyardComponentTest] Testing done:
21:06:11,381 INFO [camel.SwitchyardComponentTest] Took: 0.003 seconds (3 millis)
21:06:11,381 INFO [camel.SwitchyardComponentTest]
21:06:11,382 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext:camel-31)
is shutting down
21:06:11,382 INFO [impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy] Starting to graceful shutdown 1 routes
(timeout 10 seconds)
21:06:11,385 INFO [impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy] Route: route9 shutdown complete, was
consuming from: Endpoint[direct://input]
21:06:11,385 INFO [impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy] Graceful shutdown of 1 routes completed
in 0 seconds
21:06:11,388 INFO [impl.DefaultInflightRepository] Shutting down with no inflight
21:06:11,388 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Uptime: 0.032 seconds
21:06:11,389 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext: camel-31)
is shutdown in 0.006 seconds
21:06:11,402 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:11,407 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:11,413 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:11,418 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:11,423 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:11,428 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:11,435 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:11,440 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element
21:06:11,445 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element
21:06:11,450 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'sd:switchyard'.
21:06:11,454 INFO [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-000101 Transactional services not available.
Injection of @Inject UserTransaction not available. Transactional observers will be
invoked synchronously.
21:06:11,591 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext: camel-32)
is starting
21:06:11,592 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] JMX is disabled. Using
21:06:11,596 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 3 packages with 14
@Converter classes to load
21:06:11,601 INFO [converter.DefaultTypeConverter] Loaded 153 core type converters (total
153 type converters)
21:06:11,605 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Loaded 1 @Converter classes
21:06:11,713 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 1 packages with 3
@Converter classes to load
21:06:11,716 INFO [converter.DefaultTypeConverter] Loaded additional 16 type converters
(total 169 type converters) in 0.114 seconds
21:06:11,717 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Total 0 routes, of which 0 is started.
21:06:11,718 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext: camel-32)
started in 0.126 seconds
21:06:11,766 INFO [camel.SwitchyardComponentTest]
21:06:11,767 INFO [camel.SwitchyardComponentTest] Testing:
21:06:11,768 INFO [camel.SwitchyardComponentTest]
21:06:11,770 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext: camel-33)
is starting
21:06:11,771 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Debugger: DefaultDebugger is enabled on
CamelContext: camel-33
21:06:11,771 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] JMX is disabled. Using
21:06:11,773 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 3 packages with 14
@Converter classes to load
21:06:11,778 INFO [converter.LazyLoadingTypeConverter] Loaded 153 core type converters
(total 153 type converters)
21:06:11,789 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Route: route10 started and consuming from:
21:06:11,790 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Total 1 routes, of which 1 is started.
21:06:11,790 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext: camel-33)
started in 0.020 seconds
21:06:11,792 INFO [camel.SwitchyardComponentTest]
21:06:11,793 INFO [camel.SwitchyardComponentTest] Testing done:
21:06:11,794 INFO [camel.SwitchyardComponentTest] Took: 0.001 seconds (1 millis)
21:06:11,794 INFO [camel.SwitchyardComponentTest]
21:06:11,794 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext:camel-33)
is shutting down
21:06:11,795 INFO [impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy] Starting to graceful shutdown 1 routes
(timeout 10 seconds)
21:06:11,824 INFO [impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy] Route: route10 shutdown complete, was
consuming from: Endpoint[direct://input]
21:06:11,825 INFO [impl.DefaultShutdownStrategy] Graceful shutdown of 1 routes completed
in 0 seconds
21:06:11,828 INFO [impl.DefaultInflightRepository] Shutting down with no inflight
21:06:11,829 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Uptime: 0.059 seconds
21:06:11,830 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext: camel-33)
is shutdown in 0.035 seconds
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.772 sec
Running org.switchyard.component.camel.config.model.QueryStringTest
Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.005 sec
Running org.switchyard.component.camel.config.model.mock.v1.V1CamelMockBindingModelTest
21:06:12,144 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 3 packages with 14
@Converter classes to load
21:06:12,149 INFO [converter.DefaultTypeConverter] Loaded 153 core type converters (total
153 type converters)
21:06:12,152 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Loaded 1 @Converter classes
21:06:12,277 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 1 packages with 3
@Converter classes to load
21:06:12,281 INFO [converter.DefaultTypeConverter] Loaded additional 16 type converters
(total 169 type converters) in 0.130 seconds
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.442 sec
Running org.switchyard.component.camel.transaction.TransactionManagerFactoryTest
21:06:12,315 INFO [jta.JtaTransactionManager] Using JTA UserTransaction: Mock for
UserTransaction, hashCode: 28961588
21:06:12,316 WARN [jta.JtaTransactionManager] No JTA TransactionManager found:
transaction suspension not available
21:06:12,331 INFO [jta.JtaTransactionManager] Using JTA UserTransaction: Mock for
UserTransaction, hashCode: 3065841
21:06:12,332 INFO [jta.JtaTransactionManager] Using JTA TransactionManager: Mock for
TransactionManager, hashCode: 21549984
21:06:12,333 INFO [jta.JtaTransactionManager] Using JTA
TransactionSynchronizationRegistry: Mock for TransactionSynchronizationRegistry, hashCode:
Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.049 sec
Running org.switchyard.component.camel.config.model.v1.V1CamelBindingModelTest
Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.524 sec
Running org.switchyard.component.camel.transformer.CamelTypeConverterExtractorTest
21:06:12,865 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 3 packages with 14
@Converter classes to load
21:06:12,870 INFO [transformer.CamelTypeConverterExtractor] Loaded 153 core type
converters (total 153 type converters)
21:06:12,904 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Loaded 1 @Converter classes
21:06:13,137 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 1 packages with 3
@Converter classes to load
21:06:13,138 INFO [transformer.CamelTypeConverterExtractor] Loaded additional 16 type
converters (total 169 type converters) in 0.236 seconds
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.018 sec
Running org.switchyard.component.camel.InboundHandlerTest
Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.055 sec
Running org.switchyard.component.camel.deploy.CamelImplementationTest
21:06:14,055 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:14,061 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:14,066 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:14,070 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:14,074 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:14,080 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:14,084 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'switchyard'.
21:06:14,089 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element
21:06:14,093 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element
21:06:14,097 WARN [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-001208 Error when validating
against xsd. cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'sd:switchyard'.
21:06:14,097 INFO [weld.Bootstrap] WELD-000101 Transactional services not available.
Injection of @Inject UserTransaction not available. Transactional observers will be
invoked synchronously.
21:06:14,160 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext: camel-45)
is starting
21:06:14,161 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] JMX is disabled. Using
21:06:14,162 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 3 packages with 14
@Converter classes to load
21:06:14,165 INFO [converter.DefaultTypeConverter] Loaded 153 core type converters (total
153 type converters)
21:06:14,168 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Loaded 1 @Converter classes
21:06:14,275 INFO [converter.AnnotationTypeConverterLoader] Found 1 packages with 3
@Converter classes to load
21:06:14,277 INFO [converter.DefaultTypeConverter] Loaded additional 16 type converters
(total 169 type converters) in 0.111 seconds
21:06:14,277 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Total 0 routes, of which 0 is started.
21:06:14,278 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Apache Camel 2.8.0 (CamelContext: camel-45)
started in 0.117 seconds
21:06:14,311 INFO [impl.DefaultCamelContext] Route: CamelTestRoute started and consuming
from: Endpoint[switchyard://OrderService?namespace=urn%3Acamel-core%3Atest%3A1.0]
21:06:14,317 INFO [CamelTestRoute] ItemId [10]
21:06:14,318 INFO [CamelTestRoute] Title Name [Fletch]
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.385 sec
Results :
Tests in error:
Tests run: 93, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 2
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] SwitchYard: Components ............................ SUCCESS [53.562s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Common Component Libraries ............ SUCCESS [0.988s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Rules Common Component Library ........ SUCCESS [33.318s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Bean Component ........................ SUCCESS [34.947s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Rules Component ....................... SUCCESS [20.832s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: BPM Component ......................... SUCCESS [30.029s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SOAP Component ........................ SUCCESS [24.583s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: BPEL Component ........................ SUCCESS [45.053s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Component Tests ....................... SUCCESS [16.575s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel AS7 Component ................... SUCCESS [10.954s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component ....................... FAILURE [39.083s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel CDI Component ................... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Clojure Component ..................... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: HornetQ Component ..................... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Components Forge Plugin ............... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Bean Component Forge Plugin ........... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Camel Component Forge Plugin .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Clojure Component Forge Plugin ........ SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: SOAP Gateway Forge Plugin ............. SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Rules Component Forge Plugin .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: BPM Component Forge Plugin ............ SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 5:18.764s
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Feb 09 21:06:14 EST 2012
[INFO] Final Memory: 130M/332M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.6:test
(default-test) on project switchyard-component-camel: There are test failures.
[ERROR] Please refer to
for the individual test results.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the
following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :switchyard-component-camel
[CHECKSTYLE] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
[FINDBUGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE