Pete Muir commented on WBRI-33:
Please *do* some research before posting incorrect assertions like this, as otherwise you
are wasting everyones time. As you are too lazy to actually look at the spec, read 2.4.5,
point 3.
//this name says you are looking for a exception
Of course it doesn't, it says I'm testing what happens with multiple incompatible
scopes specified on stereotypes, with the scoped specified on the the component (as you
can see from the code).
// because you cant have RequestedScope and Application scope, so, i
think my patch failed because it did right thing.
Where does the spec assert this? In fact, where does the test even specify this.
ComponentMetaModelTest is failing
Key: WBRI-33
Project: Web Beans RI
Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 1.0.0.EDR2
Environment: JDK 1.6
Windows Vista
JUnit 4.4
Reporter: Diego Coronel
Assignee: Pete Muir
Attachments: ComponentMetaModelTestPatch.patch
Test "testMutipleIncompatibleScopeStereotypesWithScopeSpecified" isnt correct,
it was waiting a scope but the correct is check if AbstractComponentModel is going to
throw RuntimeException.
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