On 02/04/2015 01:01 PM, Jesper Pedersen wrote:
On 02/04/2015 01:55 PM, James R. Perkins wrote:
>> Just remember that any non-transactional resources (NoTransaction)
>> needs an explicit .close() in order to be returned to the connection
>> pool. Otherwise you will out of connections fast ;) Scenarios like
>> this can be investigated using the IronJacamar leak detector pool,
> Right and this *should* happen in the Item(Reader|Writer).close()
> correct? Of course the user needs to ensure that happens, but it's
> "safe" assuming they do right?
Yeah, because there are no bugs in applications.
... Of course that doesn't explain why <ccm debug=true> and the leak
detector pool are needed ... must be something else ...
try/catch/finally is a good thing.
Connection objects are AutoCloseable, so you can even do:
try (Connection c = ds.getConnection()) {
// do stuff
Simple and clean.