Hi, what do you think of adding a "status" attribute for datasources ?
It should have the same meaning of "status" for deployment.
The deployment have the status attribute, that says if the application
was properly deployed and is running.
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => "FAILED"
However there is no way in CLI mode to ask if a datasource (RA also)
is working, user must check for exceptions in the log.
The proposal is to add an attribute status to a datasource and RA, it
will be true if test-connection-in-pool returns true, otherwise false.
Every moment the datasource configuration changes, a test-connection
is performed.
I came to this suggestion, as was working for a customer that has 16
datasources (they are migrating from weblogic) and there were some
connections errors, but the user was unable to see at once which
connections failed, they needed to grep log. It would be very useful
to have this attribute.
Kind regards
Claudio Miranda