I'm a big believer in consistency to avoid confusion. :-)
On 09/10/2014 10:52 AM, Rafael Benevides wrote:
After promoting the staged Archetype I realized that Quickstarts
archetypes ( org.wildfly.archetype ) uses a different groupId than
Subsystem archetypes ( org.wildfly.archetypes - plural ) as you can
see here:
Since they are used for different purposes, I don't think that it's an
issue, but I'd like to hear if we should make them the same for Wildfly 9.
Em 9/9/14, 11:29, Rafael Benevides escreveu:
> Thanks Tomaž! ;)
> I fixed it
> Em 9/9/14, 11:13, Tomaž Cerar escreveu:
>> Please use more recent jboss-parent if noting else.
>> As version 8 your are using doesn't allow / compile to java7
>> which is kinda annoying if you are trying to show off ee7 features...
>> Current latest is 16.
>> also update url's in pom to point to
wildfly.org <
>> beyond that I am fine with doing release.
>> --
>> tomaz
>> On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 4:01 PM, Rafael Benevides
>> <benevides(a)redhat.com <mailto:benevides@redhat.com>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Considering that there's no objection, I'll release 8.1.0.Final
>> Archetypes until the end of the week and promote it to Maven
>> Central.
>> Please, let me know if you have any issues.
>> Thanks
>> Em 8/26/14, 13:39, Rafael Benevides escreveu:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I added the *wildfly-javaee7-webapp-*-archetype* to
https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-archetypes and also
>>> performed a release of them as 8.1.0.CR1 to
>>> This will give us a chance to test it before I can promote this
>>> staged repository.
>>> Note that these Archetypes are kept synchronized with its
>>> original quickstarts from
>>> through QSTools (
http://jboss-developer.github.io/maven-qstools-plugin/ )
>>> Once that everybody is ok, I can do a *.Final* release and ask
>>> it to be synched with Maven Central
>>> Every feedback is welcome!
>>> Thanks
>>> Em 8/26/14, 11:20, Pete Muir escreveu:
>>>> Thanks Tomaz.
>>>> I did the rename (
https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-archetypes). I
added the archetypes-push team, and put Rafael in it, so he can manage these archetypes.
>>>> Pete
>>>> On 26 Aug 2014, at 14:05, Tomaž Cerar<tomaz.cerar(a)gmail.com>
<mailto:tomaz.cerar@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Go for it.
>>>>> Sent from my PhoneFrom: Pete Muir
>>>>> Sent: ?26/?08/?2014 12:05
>>>>> To: WildFly Dev
>>>>> Cc: Rafael Benevides
>>>>> Subject: [wildfly-dev] Rename wildfly/archetypes ->
>>>>> wildfly/wildfly-archetypes and add archetypes for creating
>>>>> As per subject, we would like to rename the repo to follow the
>>>>> naming process. We would also like to add and release a couple
>>>>> archetypes for creating web-app projects for WildFly.
>>>>> Any objections?
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