On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 2:47 PM, Ondrej Kotek <okotek(a)redhat.com> wrote:
There are test cases using
org.jboss.as.arquillian.container.ManagementClient in non-runAsClient mode.
While running with Java Security Manager without AllPermission assigned,
the test cases fail. This is caused by insufficient permissions assigned to
deployments -- deployments require permissions that Arquillian uses to
create connection for ManagementClient, e.g. read FilePermission for
modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss/xnio/nio/main/* (XNIO module),
connect,resolve SocketPermission, * * MBeanPermission, getClassLoader
Just line of note here, ManagmentClient class you see in WildFly core tests
is not from Arquillian but WildFly core test runner.
and as such, permissions could be added there at this is only used for
wildfly core testsuite.
Also, core doesn't have any dependencies to arquillian.