Proposal for improving handling complex types in CLI
by Tomaž Cerar
Hi guys,
there ware some discussions on how we should improve handling complex types
of attribute bit better in CLI.
For most part that was about Map & List types.
After some discussions with few of you I came up with plan / ideas what all
options are there for us to improve on.
you can see current state of proposed enhancements at
In short, I propose to add set of map-* and list-* global operations and
improve :read-attribute & :…
[View More]write-attribute
with EL like syntax for reading / updating map, list and generic complex
Let me know what you think about it, especially Console & CLI folks.
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9 years, 11 months
Customizing a provisioned server
by Stuart Douglas
Hi everyone,
Work on the provisioning tool is now well underway, so I would like to
revisit something I mentioned in my original email, which is allowing
the provisioning tool to customize a provisioned server.
I think there are a few options here, some more palatable than others.
In no particular order:
1) Customize the XML directly
Using this approach we would just directly customize the XML
configuration files. This would basically require the use of XSLT
(yuck), or require us to …
[View More]basically invent our own version of XSLT (even
more yuck). Even though this approach will work, and will be fairly easy
to implement, I think it would really suck from an end-user point of
view, and I think we should discount it.
2) Allow the user to provide CLI commands to customise the server
This is by far my favorite approach. The provisioning file would just
contain a list of CLI commands, and would execute them in order. I think
this is by far the most intuitive, and the CLI is well documented.
3) Allow the user to provide DMR operations to customize the server
Similar to 2, but allow the user to provide DMR or JSON operations to
customize the server. I think this is not nearly as nice as 2, as users
are much more likely to be familiar with the CLI rather than DMR.
I think 2 is by far the best approach, however it does open up the
question of how and when to execute the operations. I think the easiest
way to do this would be to just start the server in admin only mode on a
custom port (so it will not interfere with any existing running Wildfly
instances), and just execute the CLI commands in admin only mode.
Does this all sound reasonable?
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10 years, 1 month
Embedding a WF instance in the CLI
by Brian Stansberry
Moving a thread to the dev list.
This is about some prototyping I've been doing on weekends 'cause I'm
bored with my regular tasks. I've been playing with direct local
administration of a WF installation via the CLI without requiring a
socket-based connection. The general use case is initial setup type
activities where the user doesn't want to have to launch a WF server or
HC process and potentially have it be visible on the network. is one use …
[View More]case; another is a
desire some folks have expressed in being able to do configuration
without first having to edit any xml to avoid port conflicts on 9990 or
This isn't a major initiative or big priority or anything at this point.
Just something I find interesting and perhaps you will too.
On 5/14/14, 8:54 AM, Alexey Loubyansky wrote:
> Neat :) Yes, figuring out the module path is biting everywhere.
> For file system path command line arguments there is a specialized
> FileSystemPathArgument.
Thanks; I'll switch to that.
> On 05/13/2014 10:54 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
>> Copying Heiko Braun as he expressed some interest in the topic.
>> BTW, I played with this a bit more last weekend and was able to start an
>> embedded server inside the CLI easily enough. See [1] for very raw
>> prototype stuff. You can run bin/ (no -c) and then
>> [disconnected/] embed-server
>> There are a couple issues I see, besides the HC stuff I mentioned in my
>> last message.
>> 1) If the CLI is started in a non-modular environment via java -jar
>> bin/client/jboss-cli-client.jar, we'd have to shade jboss-modules into
>> the jar. And then the embed-server command would need params specifying
>> the location of JBOSS_HOME, possibly module path etc. But it could embed
>> a server installed in any accessible filesystem location.
>> But what I did at [1] is based on bin/, where the CLI is
>> running from a WF dist in a modular environment and the embedded server
>> modules are coming from the CLI's own module path. It would be more
>> effort to support embedding a server based on some other module path.
>> Maybe it's no big deal; maybe it's really hard. :)
>> 2) The console logging from the embedded server goes to stdout mixed in
>> with the CLI output. Maybe that's good, maybe it's bad.
>> [1]
>> On 4/28/14, 10:04 AM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
>>> I was poking around at this for an hour or so over the weekend.
>>> The standalone case seems pretty straightforward. Seems the existing
>>> embedded server API could work readily enough. The
>>> interface already provides a
>>> ModelControllerClient.
>>> The domain case is much harder, as the CLI wants a HostController, not a
>>> ProcessController. I'd really like this to use an in-VM client, not a
>>> remote one, so I don't like having the CLI embed a PC and then the HC is
>>> an external process. My thoughts of the morning are to allow inverting
>>> the HC/PC relationship for this kind of usage. That is, remove
>>> controlling the HC lifecycle from the charge of the PC component. CLI
>>> launches HC, and then the HC creates an in-process PC-ish component (not
>>> a separate process) to manage the server lifecycles. There could be all
>>> sorts of problems with that; it's just the thought for the morning.
>>> On 4/25/14, 11:49 AM, Alexey Loubyansky wrote:
>>>> Embedding the AS is the best starting point to achieve that! And more
>>>> fun, I agree :)
>>>> On 04/25/2014 06:28 PM, Darran Lofthouse wrote:
>>>>> And to think my reason for opening the Jira was just for a common
>>>>> way to
>>>>> mask password inputs where is not available ;-)
>>>>> On 25/04/14 17:09, Brian Stansberry wrote:
>>>>>> On 4/25/14, 10:40 AM, Alexey Loubyansky wrote:
>>>>>>> Wow! Indeed :)
>>>>>>> There could be an embedded scope - true, i.e. commands available
>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>> this mode, like add-user, module mgmt related stuff, etc.
>>>>>> Those commands wouldn't need to be only in that mode though. The
>>>>>> implementation of all of them would be based in the server; the
>>>>>> "client"
>>>>>> aspect of the CLI would just use the management interface. The
>>>>>> difference between an embedded mode and what we have now would
>>>>>> just be
>>>>>> in how the "client" side gets its ModelControllerClient -- what we
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> now vs starting an embedded server and getting some sort of in-vm
>>>>>> client.
>>>>>>> But it would still mean the server/controller would have to actually
>>>>>>> provide implementations of that functionality and expose it to the
>>>>>>> management tools like the CLI in the embedded mode.
>>>>>> Yep.
>>>>>>> I like this idea as a concept - direct local management. W/o any
>>>>>>> remote
>>>>>>> connect/re-connect/disconnect burden.
>>>>>>> Extending the CLI with custom modules is on the list too. It's
>>>>>>> probably
>>>>>>> easier to implement at this point.
>>>>>> Likely so, but maybe less fun. ;) I copied you on a PRD-related
>>>>>> thread
>>>>>> where I briefly get into this general area too.
>>>>>>> Alexey
>>>>>>> On 04/25/2014 05:00 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Alexey,
>>>>>>>> Wanted to point the discussion on this JIRA out to you as it gets
>>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>>> some fairly fundamental brainstorming that you may find
>>>>>>>> interesting.
>>>>>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>>>>>> Subject: [JBoss JIRA] (WFLY-3288) Update add-user to use AESH or
>>>>>>>> move it
>>>>>>>> into the CLI
>>>>>>>> Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 09:44:35 -0400 (EDT)
>>>>>>>> From: Darran Lofthouse (JIRA) <issues(a)>
>>>>>>>> To: brian.stansberry(a)
>>>>>>>> [
>>>>>>>> ]
>>>>>>>> Darran Lofthouse commented on WFLY-3288:
>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> That could be very interested, won't go into too much detail in
>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>> Jira as it is not directly related shortly I am switching to the
>>>>>>>> SSL
>>>>>>>> related tasks we have outstanding including the out of the box
>>>>>>>> enablement we talked about in Brno - managing an embedded instance
>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>> be useful there as well to get it all op based.
>>>>>>>> I can see this task may end up coming back my way combined with the
>>>>>>>> other stuff ;-)
>>>>>>>>> Update add-user to use AESH or move it into the CLI
>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Key: WFLY-3288
>>>>>>>>> URL:
>>>>>>>>> Project: WildFly
>>>>>>>>> Issue Type: Feature Request
>>>>>>>>> Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
>>>>>>>>> Components: Domain Management, Scripts
>>>>>>>>> Reporter: Darran Lofthouse
>>>>>>>>> Fix For: Awaiting Volunteers
>>>>>>>>> Within the add-user utility it is difficult to handle situations
>>>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>>>> we do not have access to a which is the easiest
>>>>>>>>> way to
>>>>>>>>> handle password reading without an echo to the user e.g. in Cygwin
>>>>>>>>> Switching to AESH would allow us to use the implementation
>>>>>>>>> there to
>>>>>>>>> handle this.
>>>>>>>>> Alternatively it may actually make sense to make add-user a
>>>>>>>>> special
>>>>>>>>> mode of the CLI, we may at some point want to switch to runtime
>>>>>>>>> operations being executed on the server so porting to the CLI
>>>>>>>>> could be
>>>>>>>>> the first step to make this possible.
>>>>>>>>> Overall this is going to require further discussion so the
>>>>>>>>> comments
>>>>>>>>> here are just a starting point.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
>>>>>>>> If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact your JIRA
>>>>>>>> administrators
>>>>>>>> For more information on JIRA, see:
Brian Stansberry
Senior Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat
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10 years, 1 month
JBAS011592 the logging subsystem requires the log manager to be org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager
by Max Rydahl Andersen
In tools and around arquillian I'm seeing more and more of $subject
error that I can't figure out the cause of.
I've found which David
responds the error message is clear.
I might be clear, but I can't figure out why starting wildfly the exact
same way will in one case result in this
error but then on second start it just works.
I first thought that our tools might not be setting the LogManager
(which it does not), but when I look at …
[View More]
in the same server there is also no setting of this property hence
afaics the server is being obtuse.
The answer in all cases seem to have been "have tried restarting it?"
and then things starts working, until it doesn't - and
then we restart again.
Any idea on what is going on here ?
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10 years, 4 months
Map / reduce for management operations
by Harald Pehl
For management clients it is tedious and awkward to read resources / attributes in big domains (e.g. return the state of all running servers across all hosts which are part of server group "foo"). Today this requires to setup multiple composite operations *on the client* which need to be executed in a specific order. This proposal suggests a new operation which collects all relevant information *on the server* and returns only the relevant data in one go to the client.
[View More]--
# Background:
In the admin console we often need to read specific attributes across a domain or across a deeply nested resource:
- List all enabled data sources of the current profile
- Show the port offset of all running servers across all hosts
- Get all users which belong to role Operator
Even for small domains with two server groups and a small number of servers this procedure is awkward and error prone. What makes it even more difficult is the asynchronous nature of the admin console. Soon you end up in a deeply nested callback-hell. Besides that these 'queries' lead to poor performance for big domains with tens of groups, hosts and servers.
# Proposal / Prototype
The GitHub repository at [1] contains a more detailed description of the problem statement and a working prototype. This includes details such as how to address the requested resources, how the information is retrieved and how to handle errors.
The proposal also includes a way to filter and reduce the resources against a list of attributes and values *before* the response is sent to the client.
[1] <>
Harald Pehl
JBoss by Red Hat
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10 years, 4 months
Issues in wildfly-javaee7-webapp-blank-archetype
by Arun Gupta
Generated an app as ...
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=test -DartifactId=test
The app has the following files:
- beans.xml and faces-config.xml are using
namespaces instead of namespaces.
Filed as https:/…
[View More]/
- What is the purpose of test-ds.xml ? It contains:
<datasources xmlns=""
<!-- The datasource is bound into JNDI at this location. We reference
this in META-INF/persistence.xml -->
<datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/testDS"
pool-name="test" enabled="true"
This is anyway the default Java EE 7 data source in WildFly.
- src/main/META-INF/persistence.xml refers to this datasource. That
can be removed as well because of the default Java EE 7 data source.
Seems like these are left overs from previous time ?
Can this be cleaned up ? Xavier and I are planning to use this
archetype for our talk at Devoxx in the next few days and would like a
cleaner generated app.
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10 years, 4 months
Management Model: Squatter Resources
by Heiko Braun
TL;DR: A proposal for improving parts of the management API that deal with static resource definitions
For future Wildfly versions we plan to re-architect the management console to make better use the existing meta data. The goal is to provide a data binding layer that automates much of the retrieval and update of the configuration and runtime data. To achieve this goal, we need to remove some of the roadblocks that prevent further automation. This is the first of a series of …
[View More]posts that explains some of the challenges we facing and a proposal to improve the situation.
Typically we deal with resources that addressable through a key value pair, where the key of the tuple depicts the type of the resource and the value the name or identify of a specific resource instance, i.e.:
In this case 'ExampleDS' is the name of a resource of type 'data-source'. The type is associated with a specific resource definition, that's typically retrieved through the :read-resource-description operation. In the following sections I am going to refer to these resource as 'regular' resources.
In some situations, it seems more feasible (and valid) to construct a model representation without instance names, i.e.:
/subsystem=ejb3/service=[async | remote | timer-service]
In this case each resource under /subsystem=ejb3/service has a different type and only a single instance can exist:
Lacking a better alternative, I coined the term 'squatter' resources, because these resources squat a specific address slots. Squatter resources can be pre-registered or non-exisiting when the management layer is started.
In order to provide a data binding layer for the management console, we need to access the definition of a resource (:read-resource-description). With squatter resources this is basically impossible, because the existence of these types is hidden in the general API. I.e. sticking to the previous example, when querying the resource definition for the ejb3 subsystem, it pretends only single type 'service' exists, although it's actually three different 'service' types
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => [
After a chat with Brian yesterday, we are proposing a new request parameter to the :read-children-types operations, that augments the result to reveal the existence of squatter resources:
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => [
This works in a backwards compatible way and allows us to identify squatter resources and get to their resource definition.
Thoughts and comments welcome.
If you can think of better term than 'squatter' resources, please let me know as well.
Regards, Heiko
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10 years, 4 months
Major filesystem change coming in se 9
by Scott Stark
Perhaps your already aware of this due to it's relation to the module changes being discussed for se 9, but this caught my attention today:
There is a discussion on the jigsaw list about how this will impact many tools, servers making assumptions about the se filesystem, extension mechanism.
10 years, 4 months
Core build and testsuite folders
by Kabir Khan
Is there any good reason why what are basically the build and testsuite folders are called core-build and testsuite-core in WildFly Core?
It is especially annoying to have to remember that it is called core-build, when trying to do tab completion to start a server.
10 years, 5 months