
  • 44 participants
  • 53 discussions
Proposal for improving handling complex types in CLI
by Tomaž Cerar
9 years, 10 months
Embedding a WF instance in the CLI
by Brian Stansberry
10 years
Management Model: Squatter Resources
by Heiko Braun
10 years, 3 months
Proposal to add notifications to WildFly management model and API
by Jeff Mesnil
10 years, 4 months
Automatically resolving expressions in the CLI
by Edward Wertz
10 years, 5 months
Cassandra Subsystem
by Heiko Braun
10 years, 5 months
Re: [wildfly-dev] Rename wildfly/archetypes -> wildfly/wildfly-archetypes and add archetypes for creating applications
by Tomaž Cerar
10 years, 5 months
No more metadata main?
by Stan Silvert
10 years, 5 months
Wildfly provisioning tools and packaging format
by Stuart Douglas
10 years, 5 months
jboss-cli / management interface broken?
by Frank Langelage
10 years, 5 months
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