Updating the WildFly archetypes
by Wolfgang Knauf
the archetypes at https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-archetypes
(e.g. "wildfly-javaee7-webapp-ear-blank-archetype") are for WildFly 8,
and when updating the WildFly version in pom.xmls, a lot of further
changes is required, see https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-9703
(which is only part of the changes).
I am interested in creating new archetypes for WildFly 15. What do you
My plan is to name them e.g.
"wildfly15-javaee8-webapp-ear-blank-archetype" and to create a new
[View More]archetype version each time a new WildFly major version is released.
If you are OK with this, I will struggle with my first steps in Git, and
I probably will ask some more or less dumb questions about details ;-).
Best regards
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5 years, 5 months
Missing transformer tests
by Kabir Khan
TL;DR: It looks like we may be missing transformer tests in the following
subsystems: ejb3, infinispan, jca, logging, undertow. I've not dug in
beyond that.
We have been using ModelTestControllerVersion.EAP_7_2_0_TEMP (containing
WF14) for transformer testing until EAP 7.2.0 was released. [1] renames
this to be EAP_7_2_0 and points to EAP 7.2.0.
In addition I have some WIP to update the full mixed domain and subsystem
tests to do the same. When doing this I noticed that the only …
[View More]subsystem
that had transformer tests referencing EAP_7_2_0_TEMP was modcluster. I
knew messaging-activemq had some changes, which Emmanuel is looking at.
I've run the model comparison tool against master/7.2.0: and see changes
which might be significant:
====== Resource root address: ["subsystem" => "ejb3"] - Current version:
0.0.0; legacy version: 5.0.0 =======
--- Problems for relative address to root ["passivation-store" => "*"]:
Different 'access-type' for attribute 'bean-cache'. Current: "read-write";
legacy: "read-only"
Different 'access-type' for attribute 'cache-container'. Current:
"read-write"; legacy: "read-only"
====== Resource root address: ["subsystem" => "infinispan"] - Current
version: 0.0.0; legacy version: 8.0.0 =======
* --- Problems for relative address to root ["remote-cache-container" =>
Different 'default' for attribute 'protocol-version'. Current: "2.9";
legacy: "2.8"
====== Resource root address: ["subsystem" => "jca"] - Current version:
0.0.0; legacy version: 5.0.0 =======
--- Problems for relative address to root ["distributed-workmanager" =>
"*","long-running-threads" => "*"]:
* Missing attributes in current: [handoff-executor]; missing in legacy []
* Missing parameters for operation 'add' in current: [handoff-executor];
missing in legacy []
--- Problems for relative address to root ["distributed-workmanager" =>
"*","short-running-threads" => "*"]:
* Missing attributes in current: [handoff-executor]; missing in legacy []
* Missing parameters for operation 'add' in current: [handoff-executor];
missing in legacy []
--- Problems for relative address to root ["workmanager" =>
"*","long-running-threads" => "*"]:
* Missing attributes in current: [handoff-executor]; missing in legacy []
* Missing parameters for operation 'add' in current: [handoff-executor];
missing in legacy []
--- Problems for relative address to root ["workmanager" =>
"*","short-running-threads" => "*"]:
* Missing attributes in current: [handoff-executor]; missing in legacy []
* Missing parameters for operation 'add' in current: [handoff-executor];
missing in legacy []
--- Problems for relative address to root ["workmanager" =>
"default","long-running-threads" => "*"]:
* Missing attributes in current: [handoff-executor]; missing in legacy []
* Missing parameters for operation 'add' in current: [handoff-executor];
missing in legacy []
--- Problems for relative address to root ["workmanager" =>
"default","short-running-threads" => "*"]:
* Missing attributes in current: [handoff-executor]; missing in legacy []
* Missing parameters for operation 'add' in current: [handoff-executor];
missing in legacy []
====== Resource root address: ["subsystem" => "logging"] - Current version:
0.0.0; legacy version: 7.0.0 =======
* --- Problems for relative address to root ["json-formatter" => "*"]:
Different 'default' for attribute 'record-delimiter'. Current: "
"; legacy: ""
* --- Problems for relative address to root ["logging-profile" =>
"*","json-formatter" => "*"]:
Different 'default' for attribute 'record-delimiter'. Current: "
"; legacy: ""
* --- Problems for relative address to root ["logging-profile" =>
"*","xml-formatter" => "*"]:
Different 'default' for attribute 'record-delimiter'. Current: "
"; legacy: ""
* --- Problems for relative address to root ["xml-formatter" => "*"]:
Different 'default' for attribute 'record-delimiter'. Current: "
"; legacy: ""
====== Resource root address: ["subsystem" => "undertow"] - Current
version: 0.0.0; legacy version: 7.0.0 =======
--- Problems for relative address to root ["application-security-domain" =>
* Missing attributes in current: []; missing in legacy [enable-jaspi,
* Missing parameters for operation 'add' in current: []; missing in legacy
[enable-jaspi, integrated-jaspi]
Although WF16 doesn't provide any domain mode guarantees for previous
releases, this will one day end up as a product release and then it is
important that we have these tests in place. It is easier to add them as we
go along than to retrofit them when that time comes.
[1] https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-core/pull/3664
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6 years
how to redirect at wildfly 11 http to https
by 원종건
I'm won.
I wonder how to redirect at wildfly 11 http to https.
Now, both http and https operating in system.
but, If I enter with http, No redirect https.
6 years, 1 month
JDK 12: First Release Candidate available
by Rory O'Donnell
Hi David & Richard,*
**OpenJDK builds *- JDK 12 Early Access build 32 **is now available **at
: - jdk.java.net/12/*
**JDK 12: First Release Candidate [1]**
* Per the JDK 12 schedule [2], we are now in Release Candidate Phase.
* The stabilization repository, jdk/jdk12, is open for P1 bug fixes
per the JDK Release Process (JEP 3) [3].
* All changes require approval via the Fix-Request Process [4].
Release note additions since last email
[View More]Build 31 - can_pop_frame and can_force_early_return capabilities
are disabled if JVMCI compiler is used (JDK-8218025
<https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8218025>) The JVMTI
|can_pop_frame| and |can_force_early_return| capabilities are
disabled if a JVMCI compiler (like Graal) is used. As a result
the corresponding functionality (|PopFrame| and
|ForceEarlyReturnXXX| functions) is not available to JVMTI
agents. This issue is being fixed via JDK-8218885
o Build 28: JDK-8212233
<https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8212233> : javadoc
fails on jdk12 with "The code being documented uses modules but
the packages defined in $URL are in the unnamed module."
* Changes in this build.
**OpenJDK builds *- JDK 13 Early Access build 8 is **now available **at
: - jdk.java.net/13/*
* These early-access, open-source builds are provided under the
o GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath
Exception <http://openjdk.java.net/legal/gplv2+ce.html>.
* Release Notes updates
* Build 8
o GraphicsEnvironment.getCenterPoint()/getMaximumWindowBounds()
are unified across the platforms (JDK-8214918
o The experimental FIPS 140 compliant mode has been removed from
the SunJSSE provider. (JDK-8217835
* Build 7
o Change DOM parser to not resolve EntityReference and add Text
node with
(JDK-8206132 <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8206132>)
* Build 6
o Base64.Encoder and Base64.Decoder methods can throw
OutOfMemoryError (JDK-8210583
* Changes in this build
* FOSS Bugs fixed in recent builds
o Build 6 : JDK-8216970
<https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8216970> : condy
causes JVM crash
o Build 7: JDK-8215577
<https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8215577> : Remove
javadoc support for HTML 4
[2] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk/12/#Schedule
[3] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/3
[4] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/3#Fix-Request-Process
Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland
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6 years, 1 month