From: "Jason Greene" <jason.greene(a)>
To: wildfly-dev(a)
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 11:06:26 PM
Subject: [wildfly-dev] 8.0.0.Alpha3 Released!
Hello Everyone,
I am happy to announce the availability of Alpha3, which is available
for download in the usual location:
Some key updates in this release are:
• EJB invocations now use HTTP upgrade over port 8080
• This is a major step towards the port reduction initiative we
have for WildFly 8
• WildFly can now be ran as a Windows service
• Mod_cluster functionality restored
• Bean Validation 1.1 now supported with JAX-RS and CDI
• Undertow subsystem and integration improvements
• Bytecode enhanced entities now supported in JPA
• User creation script also supports groups
• Initial support for a syslog logging appender
For complete details on what is in Alpha3, see the release notes
If anyone notices an area I missed, or wishes to add additional
notes, feel free to update the wiki entry.
Jason T. Greene
WildFly Lead / JBoss EAP Platform Architect
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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