On 07/10/2014 10:23 AM, Emmanuel Hugonnet wrote:
# Ability to read boot errors via WildFly Management APIs
Tracked by
Use Cases
If a server starts but reported errors during boot, there is no way to access the error
data via the Management API and users are reduced to
searching the logs.
This information needs to be captured and stored for later reporting.
If some problem happens that gets logged at boot but somehow doesn't become visible
to the management layer, that's out of scope. A problem
getting logged but not becoming visible would basically mean some runtime service logged
an error but the error didn't prevent the start of
the service.
Create a new sub resource of core-service=service-container because it has the ability to
dump services, thus having all the services boot
errors and missing dependencies near seems like a good place.
thus we would have :
core-service => service-container {
boot-errors => {
failures => {
service-name => stackTrace;
missing-deps => {
... list of missing dependencies as String
This structure is based on the structure of the failure description returned during
verification when starting a service.
All these informations should be collected in the ModelControllerImpl.
This resource would have restricted access of course.
What do you think?
Should the application server terminate (with a failure code) when
errors occur during boot? This might make it more obvious that the
server didn't start correctly and that logs should be scanned for the
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